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Away-side jet correlations 0106 2015


2009 sim update 1/6


SpaceCharge calibration for HLT

Replacement circuit boards for large FNAL cell bases

HI Second round of base circuit boards are in.

Updated Jan 13.
Here is an assembled board.

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Revisiting Pion Contamination

Barring the unforeseen, the last analysis task is to finalize the pion contamination estimate.

Run 14 (15 GeV Au+Au) TPC Hit Errors

DAQ File: st_physics_15058013_raw_4500001.daq

Chain Options: DbV20141223,P2014a,btof,mtd,BEmcChkStat,Corr4,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D,-hitfilt



ICNFP Proceedings

After extending the deadline several times, they've said

2015April APS meeting

 23DEC 2014 submit to PWG mail list

 31 DEC. 2014 revised it according to Daniel's comments.

Open Issues in y2015 First Cut Geometry

[1] FpdmGeo4: Volume FBAS shape parameters invalid

AFS not starting, module fail to load

Upon the update of a new Linux kernel, it may be that OpenAFS does not start due to a module load failure. Here is a recipe on how to fix that: