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Request for LHAPDF package for PYTHIA8

 From previous studies, the star HF tune has used LHAPDF package since 2008, which has been studied by Thomas Ullrich.



pair loss correction for 2d correlations


Uncertainty of DcaXY splitting in Au+Au at 14.5 GeV

The DcaXY splitting issue for different charged tracks has been found in DEV for a long time, it still exists in DEV earlier than Nov 11th 2014.

BES cross check


Sampled x Plots For Inclusive Jets at 500 GeV

For preparing RHIC spin white paper, I try to plot the sampled x distributions by parton jets within the various detector jet pt bins.

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Update to Jet Group (December 2, 2014)


update on FMS code review

run13 W embedding request for period 2 , >=day 129

1) After runQA, we have runlist with 716 (612) runs for L2BW (L2EW) triggered dataset.

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Cut Optimization (Hadron Radius)

Here, I will show the result of attempting to optimize the cut on hadron ΔR. For this first attempt, I use only simulation.