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Away-side jet correlations 1216 2014


Run-11 Transverse Jets: Slides for PWGC Preview


Run 9 200GeV Dijet Cross Section: Integrated Luminosity Systematic

Hopefully the last discussion on how to quantify the systematic error associated with the extraction of the integrated luminosity ...

Run12 Calibration: New Fits


2011+2012 Collins Figure for Spin White Paper

Posted below in Fig. 1 and attached at the bottom of the blog is a proposed figure for the RHIC Spin White Paper.

FMS Simulation Issues

 The problem that we notices in last weeks FMS meeting was that there appeared to be a strange cutoff in the per-tower simulation at 50 GeV.

2012 - Relative Luminosity Plots

IFF paper drafts


IST Sti Geometry

Version 1: Simplified

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Smoothing Kinematic Shifts

Given the limitations of my embedding sample, it is important to try to use the available statistics most efficiently. One way to do this is to utilize fits to the data trends.