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d+Au Ridge paper II GPC Meeting III



2012 Dijet Asymmetries - More plots

HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2014/12/11

1) D* in pp 500GeV Run11 HT - David

jQuery More/Less text Test

IST Geometry Improvements

Run 14 AuAu 15/200 SC GL Update


Run-11 Transverse Jets: Update to Spin-PWG (December 11, 2014)


Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2014/12/3

Bingchu presented his simulation study for c-mu correlation with HFT and MTD. Results look promising.

Background estimation with Fitting ptBalance

I am trying to estimate the background from fitting the ET bin by ET bin signed pT balance distribution.  The "rige" in the 2D , sPtBalance vs.