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Run 15 Mid-Rapidity Spin Triggers

IS2014 Slide on d+Au Ridge

comments on David 's ICNFP2014 proceedings

abstract for WWND

 The abstract for the 'Future STAR upgrades is attached to this blog

The comments by Frank and Danial has been included in the most recent version (11/30/14)

Proposed plan for VTC

In order to propose a possible plan forward, I would like to propose the following path (putting as little historical info as possible):

STAR TShirts

Please let me or Liz know if you would like to order a TShirt. We will need to know the number and sizes of the shirts you want.
The cost is $10 per TShirt
Sizes are:

Version 1 of IS2014 Talk

comments for Olga 's HQ proceedings


RP2 trigger for Run 2015

A presentation for trigger board meeting Dec-01-2014.
A draft of paper for trigger group (doc-file).
Revized version of trigger presentation and document.

comment to Leszek 's HQ proceedings