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Run 13 W analysis : Cut Optimization

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Update to Jet Group (November 18, 2014)

Notes from Jet Group:

Hot Quarks 2014 proceedings


Run 11 vs Run 13 Patch Panel Maps

Spreadsheet of Run 11 and Run 13 comparison of FMS-pathc-qt connections is attached.

EEMC Cal Run9-11-17-2014


Background issue's time-dependence


Run 9 Dijet det-par mass comparisons for different triggers

Taking a look at difference between detector-level dijet mass and particle-level dijet mass, plotted against the detector-level dijet mass. This is then broken into triggers.

SSD geometry modeling : listing and weight of componants

using last geometry update from Flemming (slide 2)

comments to [new] StiSst

 1) there is no need to add the constants defined in StSsdUtil/StSstConst.h

Impact of TPC Supersector Mis-alignment on HFT Tracking

There was some suspect that even there is a TPC mis-alignment, when tracking outside-in, the residual resolution is mostly dominated by the projection error, so the impact on the HFT tracking eff