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Run 9 200GeV Dijet Cross Section: Pre/Post Day 153 Comparison

Here I look at the fully unfolded cross sections from the periods before and after day 153 ...

Run12 Calibration: Further HT Geometry Study


Run 12 Trigger Plots

500 GeV
Runs 13108001, ...002, ...007, ...008, ...010

Comments on Daniel's v2 NPE paper

Rate-safe Counting for Relative Luminosity

I have begun considering the "rate-safe counting" method for computing the relative luminosities, using techniques from

Deciding on Rt cut - Jet Meeting

During the Jet meeting, Carl pointed out and wanted to see what percentage of events have an Rt of 1. So to make that more clear, I've made and attached the following plots:

Pythia Multiplicity Selection Effect on Jetlike Near-side Yield


It is observed that the near-side jet peak distribution differs from central and peripheral d+Au collisions.

SSd geometry update

The SSD geometry also have quite apperent problems,- many steps through volumes.
I found several volumes that are the final but declared many 

Proceedings for my talk at Diffraction 2014

HF summary talk collaboration meeting November 2014