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Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2014/10/26

1. MTD di-muon data production plan


Proceeding KCSF Open charm measurement

Simulations : FMS with PYTHIA

Working directories : 
/star/u/mriganka/generatingEvent/filtE100, E80, E60, E40, E20


Non-Photonic Electrons in STAR Experiment

Run-11 Transverse Jets: R050 Results

Here, I post updated results using the new cone radius of R = 0.5. Results are still preliminary in a few ways:

Run 9 Dijet asymmetry and yield for different topologies

The attached pdf has plots comparing asymmetry ALL and false asymmetries ALY, ALB, etc for different

Run 9 200GeV Dijet Cross Section Time Variation Investigation V

A closer look at some dijet, trigger, and scalar quantities ...

SPIN 2014 slides v10

pp2pp GEANT4 simulation

pp2pp simulation is built around GEANT4 simulation package. Running this simulation requires us to migrate away from the familiar root4star interface and begin running simulation in afs.

EEMC Cal Run9-10-16-2014