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Notes on Overlapping Geometries in y2014

Picture Below shows a 10 cm z-slice of the inner region of STAR.

The RED cylinder inside of IBMO is APTS.  This is a part of the pixel support tube. 

Deconstruction: q.G to Gamma.q



Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2014/10/30

Upsilon spin alignment paper proposal

Effect of MANY/ONLY option on track trajectories in G3

Test 1
Single pion thrown with exactly the same kinematics: pT = 0.15 GeV, eta = 0.1.  Energy loss constant, MCS, decay, etc... switched off.

EEMC Cal Run9-10-29-2014

Study the bad fitting.
1.Swaps 10TD04<==>10TD06,  11TE10<==>11TE12

2. PQR fitting parameters.

2009 Dijet aLL - Comparison

 First look

Run 12 UU h-/h+ vs. luminosity (old/new alignment)

(Note: these data were shown at a You do not have access to view this node, and summarized in this PDF)

Jetcorr Meeting: Update on d+Au Ridge 2014-10-28

Proposed figures for ridge paper

KCSF Proceedings - Upsilon production at the STAR experiment