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A_LL Update for FMS meeting 10.6.14

This is mostly changes which were suggested at the 10.2.14 spin pwg meeting and some answers to questions which were raised

SPIN 2014 slides v2



IFF @ 500 GeV Trigger Bias Studies: Bjorken x

Below is the weighted average <x> vs pT for triggered events(red) and all events(blue).

IFF @ 500 GeV Trigger Bias Studies: quark/gluon ratio

1.  From unfiltered embedding files, find outgoing parton closest to charged pion pair.

StFMSPointMaker review

comments :

proceedings for the PANIC14 Upsilon talk


v1 (5 Oct) : for pwg discussion

Run12 Collins Analysis: Preliminary Plots for SPIN 2014

 Versions of the plots start with zero, and count up as the plots are modified.

v1: Contains the xF > 0, and xF < 0 plots with four panels for the proceedings from SPIN 2014

ssdChipCorrect table

1) new table format should be in StDb/idl
2) compile StDb
