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simulation quantities update

Previously, I did not run over all the embedding files, which caused the improper application of the partonic pT bin weighting.  The plots below now include all embedding files and proper impleme

November STAR council meeting

 The council meeting at the upcoming coll meeting will be on Thursday 6 In the evening.

How to copy-and-paste an image in Drupal ...

It IS possible to copy-and-paste an image in the WISIWIG editor of course and this feature has been there for ages.

Pythia simulation Zaochen

Jpsi and NPE simulation, but now I have to fit the data by rescale the bbbar and ccbar contribution, hope I can finish it today

BNL Local Meeting


<x> and <z> with weighted partonic pT bins

***Please see slides attached below for the most recent plots.***

Figure 1:  weighted partonic pt distribution

Preliminary SpaceCharge & GridLeak at low luminosity in Run 14

This page has been created in the context of a TPC group discussion.

Comparison of the masses of TPC elements to the GEANT Geometry


<x> and matching ratios after applying partonic pT bin weights

These are the <x> vs pair pT( (figure 1) and matching ratios vs pT(figure 2).  The procedure is the same as previously(,

PANIC proceedings