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SPIN 2014 slides v4

SPIN2014 presentation and proceedings --Yuxi Pan

Test of the path in glob. Follow-up 2014/10/08

This is a test to see how the path is subsituted. Subject was "Test of the path in glob.  Follow-up 2014/10/08"

Draft Talk Slides for SPIN 2014

Attached below are my draft slides for spin 2014. A few local updates have applied, so the draft submitted to the spin PWG is v3, and we'll move forward from there.

Update on untriggered di-haron correlations in BES program AuAu 7.7 GeV(fixed slides)

 Fixed the z axis scales for better comparision due to the suggestion by the BulkCor Meeting on October 8th 2014

Update on untriggered di-haron correlations in BES program AuAu 7.7 GeV


SPIN2014 slides


SPIN 2014 slides v3

Plots for FMS pi0 A_N preliminary release + background asymmetries

Here are the same plots as the preliminary release but with background asymmetries plotted as well.

1). pi0 A_{N} vs x_{F}

Run-11 Transverse Jets: R060 vs. R050

The final major question before achieving final results is whether or not to use R = 0.6 or R = 0.5. There are arguements for each.