Plots - Number of Fitted Points

The Following are the results for dca distributions for different pT bins in Pi Minus. The results of dca agrees reasonable for the cut-off of 2 cm and above. These plots were done using the macro plot_dca.C

Event Selection Criteria

    * Production: P06ib
    * Vertex restriction: |x|<3.5cm, |y|<3.5cm, |z|<25.0cm
    * N Fit points >= 25
    * DCA < 3 cm

  • Pi Minus

 P06ib: Plots_Nfit-PiMinus-nfit_0.20pT0.30_0nch1000P06ib: Plots_Nfit-PiMinus-nfit_0.30pT0.40_0nch1000 P06ib: Plots_Nfit-PiMinus-nfit_0.40pT0.50_0nch1000
P06ib: Plots_Nfit-PiMinus-nfit_0.50pT0.60_0nch1000
 0.20 < pT < 0.30 0.30 < pT < 0.40 0.40 < pT < 0.50 0.50 < pT < 0.60

  • Pi Plus