Plan of action / critical path items

I think we need to start from the core and work outwards.  This will allow us to finish as much as possible before the run starts and start to see the most benefits as early as possible.  The two big pieces at the core (in order of importance) are:

1. DAQ’s event builder switch, which calls for 56 (let’s say 64) non-blocking/line speed 1Gb/s ports.  No matter what, this piece needs to be put in place before the run starts.  We can probably limp by with everything else as it exists now if we have to, but this has to be a new piece of hardware in place before December 1 (is this a reasonable deadline?).

2. Whatever ITD wants to replace the current Catalyst 4000-series chassis and blades in the DAQ room.

After this, the next items for consideration/replacement are the starp and DAQ/TRG switches on the South Platform.

Then it is on to the satellite racks in the WAH with their relatively small number of devices.

Then the DAQ room, cleaning up the handful of unmanaged switches that exist for both starp and DAQ/TRG.

Control Room clean-up.  The available wall jacks in the Control Room are insufficient for the number of devices, and many of the jacks are inaccessible behind the west side console, but at least this area is always accessible and has had few problems, so it isn’t a high priority.