Locations needing network access
WAH: (starp and DAQ/TRG devices are scattered throughout these locations. I am going to use the term “satellite racks” to include all locations within the C-AD PASS system that are NOT on the South Platform. Also, note that the satellite racks are semi-mobile, and the entire detector platform (North and South) can move into the Assembly Building.):
- PMD racks: ~3 devices on starp and ~3 on DAQ/TRG
- FMS/FPD east side: Handful of devices on DAQ/TRG and on star
- Southwest corner work area: rarely more than two systems here, but might want starp, “trailers” and DAQ/TRG networks here for use as needed
- EEMC racks, west side: Handful of devices on DAQ/TRG and on starp
- FPD/FMS west racks: Handful of devices on DAQ/TRG and on starp
- PP2PP east and west: at least one VME processor on DAQ/TRG on each side - these are in the RHIC tunnel, technically not in the WAH.
- South platform – (IMPORTANT NOTE: The south platform must remain electrically isolated from the rest of the facility – there can be no conducting cables running from the South Platform to other locations)
o First floor: Three rows of 8-9 racks each (volatile, in that subsystems and components are installed or removed each year)
o Second floor: Three rows of 8-9 racks each (volatile)
- North platform: currently unoccupied, but has had devices in the past and a switch on the starp network is still present there, with a fiber link back to the South Platform (somewhere!)
Control Room:
- Perimeter (~3 dozen PCs), almost all on starp, but
o 2-3 on DAQ/TRG
o 4-5 on C-AD 108
o 1-2 on C-AD 90 network?.
o Numerous small unmanaged switches in this room currently
DAQ Room: (Highest performance of the entire facility is needed in rack row DA, including a minimum 56-port switch with non-blocking/line rate 1Gb inter-links on the DAQ/TRG network)
- three “rows” plus two networking racks:
o the “old” network rack and the “new network rack” near the northwest corner
o rack row “DA” on west side (nearest the Control Room)
o shelf row in middle with a racks at each end.
- Northern-most rack is ~20 nodes on “starp” – current rack has at least three unmanaged 8-port switches.
- Remainder of row is primarily DAQ/TRG with 3-4 starp nodes - both netwokrs go through two unmanaged switches in the rack immediately to the south of the shelves.
o East row: ~6 stand-alone starp servers (one of which has a DAQ/TRG connection as well), along with a handful of VME devices on starp. DAQ or trigger might have a device or two here. The rack space is primarily occupied by devices on a C-AD network.
- 3 PCs – generally stable area.
Clean room:
- several jacks needed, network use may vary between starp, daq/trg and the 130.199.162 subnet depending on the active use at any time
1006C and 1006D (trailers):
- typically only subnet 130.199.162 is needed here.