May 14

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • pp500_production_2017 - STOPPED due to chain issues
  • MuDst to PicoDst production 
    • AuAu_200_production_2016 
      13520 files have been converted out of 646167
      Less than 3% completion
    • AuAu200_production2_2016
      7158 files have been converted out of 22155
      around 32% completion
      Stopped for QA
  • Isobar production - history of files produced
    May 05     1
    May 06     54
    May 07     254
    May 08     1116
    May 09     1101
    May 10     983
    May 11     1646
    May 12     1356
    May 13     500
    May 14     182   <-- today
    Currently running 758 over 5258 jobs (14.4%)