January 20

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics)
      393834 files have been converted out of 654286
      Around 60% Completion
    • Isobar (physics)
      The attempt to prioritize only ADC files resulted in foreseen bottlenecks of file restoration, so non-ADC files were mixed back in. This appears to have restored the higher rate of completion.
      310295 files have been converted out of 428465
      Around 72% completion
  • MuDst to PicoDst production
    • AuAu_200_production_2014
      56869 files have been converted out of 59259
      around 95% completion (STOPPED for ISOBAR)
    • AuAu_200_production_high_2014
      54312 files have been converted out of 54315
    • AuAu_200_production_low_2014
      9697 files have been converted out of 88297
      around 11% completion (STOPPED for ISOBAR)