Group login scripts



The STAR general group login scripts are necessary to define the STAR environment. They reside in $CVSROOT within the group/ sub-tree. Template files for users .cshrc and .login support also exists within this tree in a sub-directory group/templates. To install properly on a local cluster, there are two possibilities:

  • if you have access to AFS, you should simply
        % mkdir  /usr/local/star # this is only an example
        % cd /usr/local/star     # this directory needs to be readable by a STAR group
        % cvs checkout group     # this assumes CVSROOT is defined 
    This will bring a copy of all you need locally in /usr/local/star/group
  • If you do not have access to AFS from your remote site, get a copy of the entire BNL $GROUP_DIR tree and unpack in a common place (like /usr/local/star above). A copy resides in the AFS tree mentioned Additional software components.

Note that wherever you install the login scripts, they need to be readable by a STAR members (you can do this by allowing a Unix group all STAR users will belong to read access to the tree or by making sure the scripts are all users accessible).

Also, as soon as you get a local copy of the group/templates/ files, EDIT BOTH the cshrc and login files and change on top the definition of GROUP_DIR to it matches your site GROUP script location (/usr/local/group in our example).

To enable a user to use the STAR environment, simply copy the template cshrc and login scripts as indicated in Setting up your computing environment.

Special scripts

Part of our login is optional and the scripts mentioned here will NOT be part of our CVS repository but, if exists, will be executed.

  • site_pre_setup.csh - this script, if exists in $GROUP_DIR, will be executed before the execution of the STAR standard login. Its purpose is to define variables indicating non-standard location for your packages. For those variables which may be redefined, please consult Setting up your computing environment for all the variables (in blue) which may be redefined prior to login.
  • site_post_setup.csh - this script, if exists in $GROUP_DIR, will be executed after the STAR standard login. Its purpose is to define local variables nor related to STAR's environment. Such variables may be for example the definition of a proxy (http_proxy, ftp_proxy, https_proxy), a NNTP server or a default WWW home directory (WW_HOME). Do not try to redefine STAR login's defined variables using this script.

Testing this phase

Testing this phase is as simple as creating a test account and verifying that the login does succeed. Whenever you start with a blank site, the login MUST succeed and lead to viable environment ($PATH especially should be minimally correct). A typical login example would be at this stage something like

Setting up WWW_HOME  =

         ----- STAR Group Login from /usr/local/star/group/ -----

Setting up STAR_ROOT = /usr/local/star
Setting up STAR_PATH = /usr/local/star/packages
Setting up OPTSTAR   = /usr/local/star/opt/star
WARNING : XOPTSTAR points to /dev/null (no AFS area for it)
Setting up STAF      = /usr/local/star/packages/StAF/pro
Setting up STAF_LIB  = /usr/local/star/packages/StAF/pro/.cos46_gcc346/lib
Setting up STAF_BIN  = /usr/local/star/packages/StAF/pro/.cos46_gcc346/bin
Setting up STAR      = /usr/local/star/packages/pro
Setting up STAR_LIB  = /usr/local/star/packages/pro/.cos46_gcc346/lib
Setting up STAR_BIN  = /usr/local/star/packages/pro/.cos46_gcc346/bin
Setting up STAR_PAMS = /usr/local/star/packages/pro/pams
Setting up STAR_DATA = /usr/local/star/data
Setting up CVSROOT   = /usr/local/star/packages/repository
Setting up ROOT_LEVEL= 5.12.00
Setting up SCRATCH   = /tmp/jeromel
CERNLIB version pro has been initiated with CERN_ROOT=/cernlib/pro
STAR setup on by Tue Mar 12 06:43:47 KST 2002  has been completed
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = .cos46_gcc346/lib:/usr/local/star/ROOT/5.12.00/.cos46_gcc346/rootdeb/lib:ROOT:/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib



STAR group

You may want to to create a rhstar group on your local cluster matching GID 31012. This will make AFS integration easier as the group names in AFS will then translate to rhstar (it will however not grant you any special access obviously since AFS is Kerberos authentication based and not Unix UID based).
To do this, and after checking that /etc/group do not contain any mapping for gid 31012, you could (Linux):

% groupadd -g 31012 rhstar

Test account

It may be practical for testing the STAR environment to create a test account on your local cluster. The starlib account is an account  used in STAR for software installation. You may want to create such account as follow (Linux):

% useradd -d /home/starlib -g rhstar -s /bin/tcsh  starlib

 This will allow for easier integration. Any account name will do (but testing is important and we will have a section on this later).