STAR Protected

Rho Diffraction Analysis and Paper preparation

J/Psi analysis and Paper preparation

e-h correlation analyses

Speaker : Jay Dunkelberger ( UCLA )

Talk time : 16:40, Duration : 00:40

Upsilon-h analysis update


Speaker : Matt Cervantes ( TAMU )

Talk time : 16:00, Duration : 00:40

Update on yt-yt Correlations

Update on Forward Di-Hadron Correlations

Coffee Break

Paper Proposal and Update on Correlations with PID associated hadrons

Update on PID trigger paper


2012-11-13 12:00
2012-11-13 13:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
EVO 14 3853 (Tuesday 10/02 noon), at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

a) STAR R&D review reports (Flemming)

b) FSC progress,  EIC R&D proposal (Oleg et al.)
b.2) FCS simulations: (Len)

c) iTPC simulation update (Hui)

d) eSTAR simulation with iTPC (Ming)

e) iTPC progress (Zhangbu)
   1) draft in progress (most just plots and pictures)
       need help/inputs as shown in the table of contents
   2) additional information about wire chamber facility in Shandong University;
       the same group is also proposing an upgrade for ATLAS

f) UCLA upgrade workshop agenda and goals (actively updated recently)
   Saturday Afternoon session:
   Sunday Sessions:

g) EIC R&D calls in December 13-14, proposal due yesterday (11/12/2012)

If you have additional items to discuss, please let us know.

Ernst and Zhangbu


 Page for uploading presentation drafts.

NPE low pT 200 GeV p+p update

NPE update at 39 and 62.4 GeV

Speaker : Mustafa Mustafa ( Purdue )

Talk time : 15:30, Duration : 00:40

Coffee break

NPE in dAu (EVO)

Speaker : Olga Hajkova ( CTU )

Talk time : 14:20, Duration : 00:40

NPE v2 at 200GeV, 39GeV and 62GeV (EVO) Daniel Kikola


Speaker : Daniel Kikola ( Purdue )

Talk time : 13:40, Duration : 00:40

D0 in U+U


Speaker : Zhenyu Ye ( UIC )

Talk time : 11:30, Duration : 00:40

e-D0 in p+p and Au+Au (EVO)

Speaker : Witek Borowski ( SUBATECH )

Talk time : 10:50, Duration : 00:40

D0/D* 500 GeV p+p status (EVO)

D0 200 GeV Au+Au and NPE from B and D (EVO)


Speaker : Yifei Zhang ( USTC )

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:40