


To treat many-particle events (pp and AuAu), we need to know which particle generated which cluster/point before evaluating the reconstructed clusters and points.  StEmcAssociationMaker accomplishes this by matching the many clusters and points in a given event with the respective simulated particles.

Association Matrix

In order to associate the clusters/points to the corresponding particles, the Association software creates matrices.  The matrix columns correspond to the reconstructed clusters/points and the lines correspond to the particles.  We have three kinds of matrices:
  • Simple Matrix - matrix elements are 0 or 1.
  • Particle Fraction Matrix - matrix elements are the fraction of the total particle energy in a cluster.
  • Cluster Fraction matrix - matrix elements are the fraction of energy of a cluster that comes from a given particle.

                Simple Matrix                      Particle Fraction Matrix                 Cluster Fraction Matrix

A simple example using association matrices is presented below.  In the case of double photon events, we plot the purity of the measured clusters in SMD eta as a function of the photon distance.  The purity is obtained from the "Cluster Fraction" Association Matrix.

How to Use

In order to follow the same scheme done in StAssociationMaker we save the association information in multimaps.  Multimaps make it very easy for the user to get the association information for a given StMcTrack, cluster or point.  Detailed documentation for StAssociationMaker is available <a href="">here</a>.  There are essentially four multimaps defined for the BEMC:
  1. multiEmcTrackCluster - correlates the StMcTrack with StEmcClusters
  2. multiEmcClusterTrack - corrrelates the StEmcCluster with StMcTracks
  3. multiEmcTrackPoint - correlates the StMcTrack with StEmcPoints
  4. multiEmcPointTrack - correlates the StEmcPoint with StMcTracks
The following sample code can be used to access one of these multimaps provided StEmcAssociationMaker is available in the chain:
StEmcAssociationMaker *emcAssoc = GetMaker("EmcAssoc");
if(!emcAssoc) return;
multiEmcTrackCluster *map = emcAssoc->getTrackClusterMap(1);
if(!map) return;
for(multiEmcTrackClusterIter j=map->begin(); j!=map->end(); j++)
StMcTrack* track = (StMcTrack*)(*j).first;
StEmcClusterAssociation* value = (StEmcClusterAssociation*)(*j).second;
if(track && value)
StEmcCluster *c = (StEmcCluster*) value->getCluster();
cout <<" McTrack = "<<track<<" GeantId = "<<track->geantId()
<<" pt = "<<track->pt()<<" TReta = "<<track->pseudoRapidity()
<<" Cl = "<<c<<" E = "<<c->energy()<<" eta = "<<c->eta()
<<" phi = "<<c->phi()
<<" FrTr = "<<value->getFractionTrack()
<<" FrCl = "<<value->getFractionCluster()<<endl;
For a detailed example of how to use the BEMC multimaps please have a look at the StEmcAssociationMaker::printMaps() method.