emc2-hn minutes (by Jan)
Updated on Fri, 2007-03-02 09:15. Originally created by balewski on 2006-12-04 13:22.
- xx xx, 200x
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- xx xx, 200x
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- xx xx, 200x
- next, I forgot to edit this
- Feb 12, 2007
- Will, run7 plans,
- Will, Jan, Endcap startup plan
- L2 algos plan: Upsilon+displVartex (by Pibero), modified L2gamma (by Saski & Jason), L2pedMon (by Jan) . some links , not much time to implement
- Jason, pi0 from Endcap from 2006 data, efficiency is low
- Will, BPRS-East gross mapping problem found, plan to replay data w/ all known corrections.
- Scott, Endcap calibration, MIP peak seen in towers, pre,post
- Feb 5 2007
- Rory, progress in BPRS mapping
- Adam, in-software mapping correction code
- Will, all, 2007 trigger discussion and Steve
- Jan, electrons in the Endcap in 2006 data
- Pibero, eta dependence of reco pi0 invM for simu for Endcap
- Jan 29, 2007
- Oleg, Barrel electronics
- Jason, new display of Endcap points,clusters , code & writeup will be in CVS soon, needs special TTree as input
- Jan, embedding of TPC+EMC is working, but ... needs 600MB for execution, code in CVS, awaits perr reviue
- Murrad, off-line jet phi anizotrophy for B & E-emc JP triggers
- Will, BPRS, suggested correlation between towers & pre-shower swaps, Rory got code from Adam for tracking toward BTOW
- Scott, ESMD calibration ready for DB upload, only slopes are used, flavor='slopes'
- Jan 22, 2007
- Murrad, offline jet phi,eta spetra
- Will, EMC fast to L2
- many: cray for Endcap off-line calibration
- Dec 18, 2006
- Jan, TPC+Endcap embedding
is operational for pp2006 chain, missing writup, peer review, few
tricks are needed to run it, ready for teasting of algo not for physics - Adam, run dependence of MIP peak for BTOW shows jump on day 114+5, 5% trend for days 120-170
- Scott, Endcap 2006 calibration will be done, status: collecting muDst on the disk
- Will, explained most of the BPRS mapping problems as hadrware swaps, photos of hadrware illustrate the causes
- Naresh, summary of e/h discrimination in the Endcap (ppt) using TPC, dEdx,E/P, and postE, current contamination 14/1, run out of time
- Dec 11,2006
- Wei Ming, evaluation of Endcap pi0 efficiency w/ embedding,
- Jason, M-C e- tracking has eff=~80% for eta<1.6
- Jason, Beam background in Endcap
not seen in 2006, for both: clusters alone & clusters matched
to Pibero's stright through tracks (flag=901) - Adam, ofl-onl BTOW gains, 136 more towers lost mainly due to the isloation cut
- Rory, BPRS mapping, identified miss-match patterns: +20 towers, backward mapping Y=-X
- Dec 4, 2006
- Jason, new Endcap point/cluster/pi0 -maker in CVS , no performance plots shown
- Weihong, Endcap pi0 algo allows to split SMD peak, avr eff of 30% for di-pi0 events
- Adam 1, 2nd iteration of BTOW ofl gains from MIP, no ele used, sizabe spread in phi seen
- Adam 2, time dependence of BTOW slopes, to be investigated, 10% change in average & width reported
- Rory, BPRS mapping , evidence of broken channels & miss-mapped small sections, should not take long to figure all out
- Will, eemc proto SLAC report from 2001
- Will, Endcap HV & FEE work prior to 2007 run
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