MTD Offline Software Projects


MTD Offline Software Projects: Description & Status of MTD Software Projects

This page lists the various ongoing MTD offline development projects, with contact information and current status


  • raw data decoding, basic mapping, persistent storage in StEvent and MuDST. [done]
  • StMtdRawHit implementation, and offline INL application. [done]
  • include electronics mapping
  • INL calibration
  • StMtdHit creation (incl. MuDST)
  • people: Xinjie Huang, Xianglei Zhu, Frank


  • hit selection & sorting
  • track extrapolation
  • hit-track matching algorithm development & implementation
  • people: Chi Yang, Wangmei Zha, Bingchu Huang, Frank


  • database table design
  • algorithm development & implementation
  • StMtdPidTrait creation
  • people: Frank + TBD


  • implementation of the framework, read GEANT data and convert to basic hits. [done]
  • Fast & Slow simulation algorithm implementation
  • apply electronics mapping
  • data comparison
  • people: Shuai Yang, Ming Shao, Frank