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absolute cross section notes 1

I'm attempting to assemble the information necessary to calculate the absolute cross section of the BHT3 trigger in the 2009 500GeV running.


Cluster analysis Progress


Physics parameters set in MC


* ------------------------- *

2009 Spin QA: 200GeV

2009 Spin QA: 200GeV


Strips With Very Few Entries

Some strips in module 103p have very few entries, e.g. strip 15407p:

Figure 1: Strip 15407p

QM09 proceeding, fourth version

Hi All,

I have made the modifications to my QM09 proceeding recommended by Xin. Comments are suggestions are welcome.


BBC coincidence vs. time in fill (Run 8 pp)

During the questions time after You do not have access to view this node, I was asked if any of the

BSMD Relative Gains Update 07/08

Please see this blog post for an introduction to the method.

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EEMC @ Run 9 EOR and Summer Shutdown

-- On 4 July at EOR 9 of 200 GeV pp collisions shutdown I recorded many of the

operating parameters of the Endcap EMC (EEMC) using screen shots of the