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CHEP 2009 Paper Drafts

Here is v03 of my conference proceedings.

Run 9 Spin QA

A. Regarding possible "Spin QA" of Run 9 200 GeV ... attached is a draft (all I could find) of the plots and procedures we had for Run 6 as an example.

Run 9 JP Rate Test

Run 9 JP Rate Test

QA of BTOW + ETOW peds + status tables in DB , pp 500

 This blog keeps track of incremental improvement of BTOW +ETOW peds & status tables.

Data & Simulation comparison: Phi, part 2

Phi distribution redone, this time separating embedded tracks from ones from the simulated events.


Update 4/23/09:

BEMC/EEMC trig ratio problem

Over the last couple nights, Carl has observed a deficit in the number of EEMC triggered events vs. the number of BEMC triggered events in both JP and HT.

GHP09 talk in Denver

 .pdf file attached

Slides for P. Pile Meeting, Tuesday, April 21, 2009

  Slides for P. Pile Meeting, Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ernst's blog


1st Workshop on Energy Scaling in Hadron Collisions

1) Talk for Hadron Workshop

2) Hendrik Hoeth's talk about MCnet