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Data & Simulation comparison: Phi

Comparing track phi between data (2005) and simulation (y2005).


Constraining Eta Dependence in the BEMC Calibration Systematic

 In the Monday EMC meeting, a concern was raised regarding a possible eta dependence to the new BEMC calibration systematic calculation.

L2Jet algo: True 2D Search

There are concerns that the current L2jet code, described »

Luminosity - Run 9 / 500GeV

 Luminosity - Run 9 / 500GeV

Vers1: Individual triggers (Total, 230530 and 230531)

Vers2: Total only (For RHIC Presentations)

W analysis status page - PWG updates - Run 9 / 500GeV

 W analysis sta

DIS 2009 talk - Exploring the Gluon Polarization with Inclusive and Correlation Measurements

 DIS 2009 talk - Tuesday, April 28, 2009

CNI summary analysis from fill 10373 to fill 10507

       In attachment shows the compare between polarimeter 1 and polarimeter 2 for blue (yellow) beam.  And also

2006 Calibration Uncertainty

Adam, Alan, Mike, and I have been working on reducing the uncertainty on the BTOW Calibration for 2006.

Draft 1.0 - Neutral Pion Paper 2005 (Cross section, ALL, Mean momentum fraction)

 Draft 1.0 - Neutral Pion Paper 2005 (Cross section, ALL, Mean momen

State of Run 7 TPC Sector Alignment

One of the possibilities for contributing to systematic pt-dependent biases of h-/h+ ratios can be alignment of TPC sectors.