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BPRS QA, pp 500 run, 2009

 Loose notes about BPRS, 2009 run, pp 500 

  1. Inclusive ADC spectra for BPRS, only L2W-triggered events (2x2 cluster ET>13 GeV) are

2009 500GeV Luminosity Calculation

I ran over a runlist provided by Jan:
/star/u/balewski/2009-march-bnl/4bernd/d76-89.runsOnly (attached below)

Slides for P. Pile Meeting, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

  Slides for P. Pile Meeting, Tuesday, March 31, 2009


QM09 v5

QM09 Talk (v5) - Chris Perkins - Run8 p+p and d+Au

Correlations in BSMD Saturation in run9

As part of the QA that I've been doing for the run9 data I began to look at saturation in the BSMD.

QM09 Presentation, minor addition

Hi All,

I have added in a reference to Shingo's poster on the near-side results I present on his behalf – also fixed a animation bug on the last slide.


Are the BTOW and BSMD data from the same event in run9?

Prodded by Jan (who was in turn prodded by Gerard I believe) I wanted to look at the produced L2-W data to see if the BTOW data and the BSMD data in a given event are actually from the same event.

QM09 v4

QM09 Talk (v4) - Chris Perkins - Run8 p+p and d+Au

QM09 Presentation, fifth revision

Hi All,

MC Asymmetry Rescaling

In Pythia ♥s Kretzer we looked at the contributions to charged pion production from different partonic subprocesses