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zdc rates vs runnumber in run9

Abstract for GHP09 conference in Denver

 .pdf file is attached

Rotator current adjustment during fill 10505

Fractional transverse component before adjustment:

Slides for P. Pile Meeting, Tuesday, April 07, 2009

  Slides for P. Pile Meeting, Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Analyzing ZDC Data after Spin Rotator Changes



scheduler tricks

  1.  To see full details of the job que do:
    • condor_q -long -submitter balewski
  2. To

TPC QA, 500 GeV pp

  1. TPC performance. L2W-tagged events, day 92,93,94. Only primary vertex, only prim tracks.

New endcap tower FEE ped4 files (4/6/09)

I have created new endcap tower FEE ped4 files using the L2ped output from run 10095057.

BTOW Calibration Uncertainty Update


Towards run9 Production and Analysis

This is an expanded list of duties/commitments to  that should be performed in order to expedite the production and analysis of this year's data.