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dN/dx, S&C meeting

 1. dN/dx method has been described during the presentation on PWGC meeting, September 30, 2016,

Kaon TOF match efficiency


Mike's test blog page

I am trying to see what works in this editor

For example, this text should be red.

And a horizontal line is supposed to go right below this sentence.

And below here is a so-called "teaser break":

OSU EPD supersector cosmic tests

Supersector cosmic tests as performed by Joey. He waited for triple coincidence between two (small identical) trigger detectors and the EPD tile of interest.

RHIC polarizations in 2015

Beam polarizations:

P = P_0 + dP/dt * t_fill

- not luminosity averaged yet
- comparison of P_0 (red) and P (yellow, blue)

FMS UV light progress

 2000 holes have been drilled and tapped in cold plates.
First (prototype) quadrant  frame is being tested.



Cluster Finer Optimization

 As a first step towards understanding and after optimizing the 2D cluster finder (CF) is to compare it to the existing CF.


 please find:
 1.the Raw pt spectra N/(2pi*pt*dpt*dy) as run11_cent_*_cut1_hptspectra.pdf
for each centrality combination


 please find:
 1.the Raw pt spectra N/(2pi*pt*dpt*dy) as run11_cent_*_cut1_hptspectra.pdf
for each centrality combination