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MTD local 20161013


proceedings for XXIII Baldin ISHEPP

EEMC hole in run 13081004

Plot to accompany EMC post.

EPD FEE box schematic

NOTE on proposed change: Alex is not happy with a design decision.

TPC response on 55Fe gamma source as seen via StTpcRSMaker

 Flemming has requested to show what is expected TPC response on gammas (5.89 keV) from 55Fe source.

Proceedings for the Hot Quarks 2016 talk (Latest Upsilon results...)

v1: for PWG review
v2: after Rongrong's 1st set of comments
v3: for collaboration review
v4: Zhenyu's comments addressed
v5: Gang's comments addressed



Run12 Inclusive Jet A_LL -- final results (plots)

Figure 1: STAR 2012 pp 510 GeV inculsive jet ALL results.

STAR Recent results ICPPA2016 talk


DNP 2016 STAR W Cross-Section Ratio Presentation