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newPicoQA of BHT

they are produced during the Mudst--->PicoDst->>anTree.   it was produced by Bingchu with my picoQA code.

Inclusive Contributions

1) The original writup:

BEMC in HF Pico DSTs for 2014

In the slides attached labeled RReedHFPico_06252015.pdf, I post my concerns with a quick look at the BEMC in the heavy flavor Pico DSTs.

The main point can be seen in these plots:

KFParticle variables in D0 simulation


HF PWG Presentation


Hard Probes 2015 poster


trigger bias update

For events when at least JP0 fires and the outgoing partonic pT > 60 GeV, the plots below are the quark/parton ratio of the geant reconstructed tracks over the quark/parton ratio of pythia particle

HFT simulation--Hijing + HF simulation

 Instructions from Yifei Zhang:

Integrated fluxes and radiation doses in Run XV: pp 200, pAu 200, and pAl200.

Results of flux and radiation dose calculation based on pythia (pp200) and hijing (pAu 200 and p Al 200) and  GEANT3+GCALOR for STAR geometry y2015 are summirized on  

SiPM dark current 2015 pEPD

SiPM dark current values for the 2015 pEPD