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DIS Proceedings

The submitted version can be found here.

Jet Meeting Collins Update: Embedding and New Asymmetries


DNP abstarct

 attached is an abstarct for the fall DNP meeting in October 2015

Talk at SQM2015


Zhongbo Kang's prediction for evolution

new AnaTree analysis

TEST results is obtained:
1. no trigger electron requirement
2. require at least one tpctof electron another electron can be tpctof or tpcemc electron.

Abstract - Mazurian Lakes Conference


newBHT eID QAs

 note the new analysis tree were produce by Bingchu, the dsmAdc problem was fixed during the picoDst process from Mudst while following EMC's method. 

FPS Visual display

First 5 fmsPoints within pion mass cut for events in st_fms_16077027_raw_1500014.MuDst.root for FPS and FMS

Run9 Dijet Comparison New simulation