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Hard Probes 2015


DNP 2015 -- Abstract

Abstract for DNP

 See attached DNP abstract.

EPD QM2015 abstract

Version 1:
Title: Forward physics at STAR using the Event Plane Detector

Run 13 Jet Efficiencies


FMS acceptance vs transverse location

Hi All,

Stephen tells me that

DNP 2015 Abstract

 Current version: v2

v0: Initial version.
v1: Comments from Jim (signed off)
v2: Comments from Anselm (also signed off)

Radiation monitoring for FPS

First look at the radiation sensor data in June 2015, starting on day 15 (Monday evening).

The thermistor data has been translated into the temperature:

PSN 623

code QA : part 1 

FMS-RP study of possible BBC bias

These slides shows some asymmetries for BBC inclusions / exclusions as well as a modified SD boolean with BBC vetoes removed