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trigger bias update

Run 12 pp500 EEMC MIP Calibration

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GPC 201: Responses to referees

 Version 2 includes comments from Elke and Stephen with some additional discussion.

pp500 Tower Gains

Attached are histograms of various tower gain ratios:

FMS Gains 2011 :

Working directory :    /star/data01/pwg/mriganka/fulljet/full/TestLater

paths : /star/data02/pwg/mriganka/root12fms/SetFMSEnv



BBC gain correction for 7.7, 11.5, 14.5 and 19.6 (txt)

SL6, gcc 4.8.2 testing and progress

[Albeit the status of remote facilities is unclear, this deployment was completed on time without major issues]

Plots for the GPC - July 14, 2015

We have removed from the draft the figure showing the correction factor (former figure 1 of draft v4.3)

W-lepton Rapidity Comparison

 W and lepton rapidities made using RHICBOS-CT10 at 510 GeV for W+/-.