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Underlying Event Study -- 1


Run 9 Zero Jet Mass Dijets at Parton Level: Effect on Asymmetry

Look at how using the massless dijet mass formula at the parton level (described »

Radiation monitoring for FPS (preliminary results)

- complete data sets for three sensors from last week of beam operations
- corrected for temperature dependence
- correlation with ZDC rate

Trigger Bias Studies

Stv development

Just very preliminary results:

1. Sti  base line CpuTot/tracks = 0.0537394

2. Stv base line CpuTot/tracks = 0.143779

J/psi in Run12 Central U+U 193 GeV - update


analysis on old analysis tree


The TPC Ion Feed Back estimations with garfield++

This note is continuation of

analysis update report

 start from 07/01/2015

Request of milestones from Software coordinators from 2015-07