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NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/07/10

1) Simulation - Xiaozhi

GEANT Simulation:

Track and Tower Thresholds for pp 500 GeV

At STAR, tracks and towers must have an energy greater than 200 MeV to be considered in the jet reconstruction algorithm. This threshold was optimal for the pp 200 GeV data.

HF PWG Meeting Minutes - 2015/07/09


Semi-Random Collection of AgML documents

General user's guide --

poster - EPS HEP 2015


NPE in UU update

Run 13 Di-jet QA update

Now that all the run 13 statisitcs have been "recovered" wanted to look at the QA again.

Thinking Ahead to p+Au Collins

pp Jets and PYTHIA - How to move on
