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HF summary for BNL analysis meeting March 2011

HF summary for BNL analysis meeting March 2011

low lumi run11?

Good runs according to the shift log:

Very Forward Proposal and THICK GEM Status

Two files:  Very Forward Proposal and THICK GEM Status

My home page for STAR

TOF OPS: How to collect the data and set the VPD TAC offsets in the Trigger system

collect 300k events, non-VPD-based trigger, include TRG+DAQ+TOF at least.

TOF OPS: How to collect the VPD HV scan data

 Note: there should be two GUIs seen on the VPD monitor (slow controls station) in the control room.

TOF OPS: How to set up three default VPD HV sets for a gain calibration


cd llope/VPD

EEMC Calibrations Questions

My understanding about how the EEMC calibrations work (mostly from Alice Bridgeman):


Public talk

After giving public talks for RHIC as part of the BNL Speakers Bureau from 2000-2006, I accumulated a lot of material into the talks.

Gain curves from 01/26 LED data

Following are the gain curves from LED runs that we took on Jan.26th.