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EEMC Calibration Code Error


The following is output to the screen when I try to run the calibration code for sector 1 and plane U in iteration 3:

Preliminary Steps

Log onto BNL shell:


Log onto server:

    rterm -i

    (enter password at prompt)

How to change the default language on all PowerPoint slides

Here is the case - you receive a presentation from someone else and find out that the default language for all text box is a foreign language while the context is English.

Elimination of spam with empty subject Email

There is a class of Email Spam coming with empty subject (sometime no To: fields) and generally, those are not flagged by spamfilters as such (bummer!

A load balancing study (stream test)


How to control & verify a few tracking cookies you may not know about

Is google collecting information about me?

Yes it does and via cookies.

Effect of stream data on database performance, a 2010 study

Cleaning ZoneAlarm program control

An annoying feature of ZoneAlarm is that it accumulates, under the program control panel, lots of programs which no longer exists on your computer (including installers, program starting in %TEMP a

gcc 4.3.2 compared to gcc 4.5

ToF day 173


Here is a plot of ToF for a single file(/star/data65/reco/production2009_200Gev_Single/FullField/P10ic/2009/173/10173051/st_physics_10173051_raw_5010001.MuDst.root):