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BEMC Geometry Study

2005 Dijet Cross Section Analysis Note

The 2005 Dijet Cross Section Analysis Note is attached.

A presentation for this analysis was made on September 10, 2009 and is available here:

calculation of correction factor to kt with STAR simulated datasets for dijets.

Di-jet cross section from the page :


Ws at STAR Run 9 - spin PWG presentation

Proceedings EPS 2009 STAR FGT Project

2005 Dijet Cross Section Preliminary Presentation

Attached is my preliminary presentation for the 2005 Dijet Cross Section to be shown on Thursday, September 10, 2009.

The BBC vernier scan calculation is really clean

I've found one of the problems in the code, and am now off by a (measly) two or so orders of magnitude.

vernier scan timing from Angelika

The following are the raw times Angelika gave me for the vernier scans, along with her verbatim description of the same (lifted from emails):

Pan pacific spin conference

Draft talk for comments spin pwg release    obsolete

RHICBOS Cross-section Prediction (Mid-rapidity and forward rapidity)

Mid-rapidity: -1 < eta < 1

Forward-rapidity 1 < eta < 2