pp510 (2012)

 Calibration for preview production, using a new version (2.0) of Calib_SC_GL.C:

Output text:
Processing Calib_SC_GL.C+("input.dat","","zdcx:zdcx*zdcx")...
Found 7 dataset specifications.
45 files added from ../hists2.87_8.00/Hist*
47 files added from ../hists2.87_9.00/Hist*
44 files added from ../hists2.87_9.50/Hist*
47 files added from ../hists2.87_10.00/Hist*
49 files added from /star/institutions/uta/alandav/TemporalSC_GL2012pp500RFF/hists2.734_8.55/Hist*
48 files added from /star/institutions/uta/alandav/TemporalSC_GL2012pp500RFF/hists2.734_9.55/Hist*
48 files added from /star/institutions/uta/alandav/TemporalSC_GL2012pp500RFF/hists2.734_10.55/Hist*

*** Running PCA iteration 0 ***

Running principal components analysis...

SpaceCharge fit results (scaler: (1.70892e-07*(zdcx+42290.4))+(2.20163e-13*(zdcx*zdcx))):
SO              :       0.000167216     +/- 0.000972246
log(SCe)        :       3.19523 +/- 0.0191521
log(g5)         :       2.62614 +/- 0.0319732

GridLeak fit results (scaler: (1.70892e-07*(zdcx+42290.4))+(2.20163e-13*(zdcx*zdcx))):
g2              :       1.09687 +/- 0.453361
gGL/g2 = SCxGL  :       10.2717 +/- 0.358028
GLO             :       0.00115694      +/- 0.00174025

SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: (1.70892e-07*(zdcx+42290.4))+(2.20163e-13*(zdcx*zdcx))):
g2      :       1.09684 +/- 0.641152
log(g5) :       2.62842 +/- 0.944881
log(SC) :       0.0232584       +/- 0.0237732
SO      :       0.000167785     +/- 0.00137761
log(GL) :       2.30614 +/- 0.0391874
GLO     :       0.00115713      +/- 0.00246115

SC = (1.0 +/- 0.02377)*(1.67e-07*(zdcx-(-4.131e+04 +/-   8061))+(2.151e-13*(zdcx*zdcx)))
  with GL = 10.04 +/-  0.39

*** Running PCA iteration 1 ***

Running principal components analysis...

SpaceCharge fit results (scaler: (2.43115e-08*(zdcx+922698))+(6.05117e-13*(zdcx*zdcx))):
SO              :       0.000150693     +/- 0.00124406
log(SCe)        :       3.13369 +/- 0.0235546
log(g5)         :       2.58475 +/- 0.0399636

GridLeak fit results (scaler: (2.43115e-08*(zdcx+922698))+(6.05117e-13*(zdcx*zdcx))):
g2              :       1.03866 +/- 0.505191
gGL/g2 = SCxGL  :       9.84593 +/- 0.414935
GLO             :       0.000903986     +/- 0.00219533

SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: (2.43115e-08*(zdcx+922698))+(6.05117e-13*(zdcx*zdcx))):
g2      :       1.03869 +/- 0.715158
log(g5) :       2.58581 +/- 1.18985
log(SC) :       -0.0110455      +/- 0.0291054
SO      :       0.000150614     +/- 0.00176107
log(GL) :       2.298   +/- 0.0473419
GLO     :       0.000898569     +/- 0.0031079

SC = (1.0 +/- 0.02911)*(2.458e-08*(zdcx-(-9.165e+05 +/- 7.244e+04))+(6.118e-13*(zdcx*zdcx)))
  with GL =  9.95 +/-  0.47