2008.04.02 Sided residual: Using data driven gamma-jet shape (3 gaussian fit)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 02, 2008

Figure 1: Side residual for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
No EEMC SMD based cuts


Figure 2: Side residual for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
"Simple" pi0 finder can not find a second peak


Figure 3: Side residual for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
"Simple" pi0 finder reconstruct the invarian mass within [0.1,0.18] range


Figure 4: Side residual distribution (Projection for side residual in Figs.1-3 on vertical axis)


Figure 5: Signal (green: m < 0) vs background (black, red) separation