2010.02.09 BFC and Pythia QA: relative to trigger

QCD and gamma-jet data samples are described here

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 2.1 mClusterThreshold 3.25 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 0.4 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 0

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 2.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 4.2 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Figure 2: False rejection (Y-axis scale is 10^-3)

Accept/Reject relative to the number of triggered events

Figure 3: Fraction of accepted events (relative to triggered events)

Figure 4: False rejection relative to triggered events
