StGammaJetDraw (applying analsyis cutsand generate histograms)
StGammaJetDraw - applying analsyis cuts
(such as photon isolation, photon and jet pt cuts, etc)
and generate pre-shower sorted histograms
- Constants.h
- Constants_1Dhists.h
- Constants_1Dhists_Geant.h
- Constants_1Dprofiles.h
- Constants_2Dhists.h
- Constants_2Dhists_Geant.h
- Constants_2Dprofiles.h
- Constants_partonicPtBins.h
- FillCandidateTxtFile.h - dumps gamma-jet info in txt file in format request by Hal Spinka
- GetJetDetEta.h - short code calculates jet detector rapidity
- GetPolarization.h
- Init.h
- Make.h
- ReadSpinInfo.h
- SetDrawOptions.h
- SetPartonicWeight.h - sets partonic pt weigts for Monte-Carlo
- createResidualHists.h
- drawEemc.h
- drawResidual.h - applying analysis cuts and fill histograms
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