STAR Protected

Results on the Transverse Double Spin Asymmetries in the elastic pp-scattering at √s=200 GeV

Speaker : Igor Alekseev ( ITEP )

Talk time : 18:30, Duration : 00:20

Dubna SPIN 2013 rehearsal:

STAR Management Meeting (11 am EDT)

2013-11-14 10:00
2013-11-14 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 14 November 2013
BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
           STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
             SeeVogh R.N.
             EVO International

           Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 16 0807 // Password: 0952

             Time:  11:00 am  - 12:00 noon EDT


I.  Agenda:

               1) News:               
               2) STAR Status: Bill
               3) HFT Status: Flemming
               4) Institutal disks: Jerome
               5) Run14 shift committee: Nu
               6) TBD


             II. Brief Summary and action Items:

              1) Attandance:


 III. Note:

  ► BES-II White Paper Committee
      - co-chairs: D. Cebra and B. Mohanty
      - Deadline: March 1, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► pp/pA Committee
      - co-chairs: E. Aschenauer, H. Huang and E. Sichtermann
      - Deadline: April 30, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
      BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
      LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file
      Preliminary Draft eSTAR LoI (Sept. 15th, v14) (pdf)
  ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
  ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
  ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
  ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
  ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


            IV. Future Meetings and Reviews
               ► STAR Analysis Meeting (QM14 abstract), BNL, Feb. 6 - 8 (tbd), 2014
               ► APS, April Meeting, Savannah, GA, April 5 - 8, 2014.  Abstract deadline: Jan. 10, 2014
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 12 - 16, 2014. Chair: Ivan Kisel
               ► QM2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19 - 24, 2014. Abstract deadline: Feb. 15, 2014


STAR Management Meeting (new time starting Thursday, 11:00am EDT)

2013-12-05 11:00
2013-12-05 12:00
America/New York
Thursday, 5 December 2013
BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
           STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
             SeeVogh R.N.
             EVO International

           Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 16 0807 // Password: 0952

             Time:  11:00 am  - 12:00 noon EDT


I.  Agenda:

               1) News:               
               2) STAR Status: Bill
               3) HFT Status: Flemming
               4) QM2014 topics: Xin
               5) Co-conveners: Nu
               6) TBD


             II. Brief Summary and action Items:

              1) Attandance:


 III. Note:

  ► BES-II White Paper Committee
      - co-chairs: D. Cebra and B. Mohanty
      - Deadline: March 1, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► pp/pA Committee
      - co-chairs: E. Aschenauer, H. Huang and E. Sichtermann
      - Deadline: April 30, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
      BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
      LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file
      Preliminary Draft eSTAR LoI (Sept. 15th, v14) (pdf)
  ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
  ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
  ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
  ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
  ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


            IV. Future Meetings and Reviews
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Feb. 10 - 14, 2014. Chair: Zhangbu Xu
               ► APS, April Meeting, Savannah, GA, April 5 - 8, 2014.  Abstract deadline: Jan. 10, 2014
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 12 - 16, 2014. Chair: Ivan Kisel
               ► QM2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19 - 24, 2014. Abstract deadline: Feb. 15, 2014


STAR Management Meeting (new time starting Thursday, 11:00am EST, 2013)

2013-12-12 10:00
2013-12-12 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 12 December 2013
BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
           STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
             SeeVogh R.N.
             EVO International

           Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 16 0807 // Password: 0952

             Time:  11:00 am  - 12:00 noon EDT


I.  Agenda:

               1) News:               
               2) STAR Status: Bill
               3) BESII WhitePaper status (pdf file): Dan/Bedanga
               4) TBD


             II. Brief Summary and action Items:

              1) Attandance: Dan, Bedanga, Zhangbu, Nu, Carl, Bill, Jerome, Gene, Scott, Huan


 III. Note:

  ► BES-II White Paper Committee
      - co-chairs: D. Cebra and B. Mohanty
      - Deadline: March 1, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► pp/pA Committee
      - co-chairs: E. Aschenauer, H. Huang and E. Sichtermann
      - Deadline: April 30, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
      BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
      LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file
      Preliminary Draft eSTAR LoI (Sept. 15th, v14) (pdf)
  ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
  ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
  ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
  ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
  ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


            IV. Future Meetings and Reviews
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Feb. 10 - 14, 2014. Chair: Zhangbu Xu
               ► APS, April Meeting, Savannah, GA, April 5 - 8, 2014.  Abstract deadline: Jan. 10, 2014
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 12 - 16, 2014. Chair: Ivan Kisel
               ► QM2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19 - 24, 2014. Abstract deadline: Feb. 15, 2014


STAR Management Meeting (11:00am EST, 2013)

2013-12-19 11:00
2013-12-19 12:00
America/New York
Thursday, 19 December 2013
BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
           STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
             SeeVogh R.N.
             EVO International

           Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 16 0807 // Password: 0952

             Time:  11:00 am  - 12:00 noon EDT


I.  Agenda:

               1) News:               
               2) STAR Status: Bill
               3) Run14 Shift sign-up: Renee / Jerome
               4) STAR pA LOI status: Elke / Huan / Ernst
               5) R&D Proposals: Flemming (List of proposals:


             II. Brief Summary and action Items:

              1) Attandance: Jerome, Flemming, Zhangbu, Gene, Nu, Ernet, Renee, Ernst, Carl, Bedanga, Huan, Scott, Xin,


 III. Note:

  ► BES-II White Paper Committee
      - co-chairs: D. Cebra and B. Mohanty
      - Deadline: March 1, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► pp/pA Committee
      - co-chairs: E. Aschenauer, H. Huang and E. Sichtermann
      - Deadline: April 30, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
      BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
      LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file
      Preliminary Draft eSTAR LoI (Sept. 15th, v14) (pdf)
  ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
  ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
  ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
  ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
  ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


            IV. Future Meetings and Reviews
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Feb. 10 - 14, 2014. Chair: Zhangbu Xu
               ► APS, April Meeting, Savannah, GA, April 5 - 8, 2014.  Abstract deadline: Jan. 10, 2014
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 12 - 16, 2014. Chair: Ivan Kisel
               ► QM2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19 - 24, 2014. Abstract deadline: Feb. 15, 2014


STAR Management Meeting (Thursday, 11:00am EDT)

2014-01-02 10:00
2014-01-02 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 2 January 2014
BNL, Building 510, I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
           STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
             SeeVogh R.N.
             EVO International

           Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 16 0807 // Password: 0952

             Time:  11:00 am  - 12:00 noon EDT

                      Happy New Year!


I.  Agenda:

               1) News:               
               2) STAR Run14 Status: Bill
               3) STAR BES-II WP status: Dan / Bedanga
               4) Run14 trigger board status: Aihong
               5) TBD


             II. Brief Summary and action Items:

              1) Attandance:


 III. Note:

  ► BES-II White Paper Committee
      - co-chairs: D. Cebra and B. Mohanty
      - Deadline: March 1, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► pp/pA Committee
      - co-chairs: E. Aschenauer, H. Huang and E. Sichtermann
      - Deadline: April 30, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
      BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
      LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file
      Preliminary Draft eSTAR LoI (Sept. 15th, v14) (pdf)
  ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
  ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
  ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
  ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
  ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


            IV. Future Meetings and Reviews
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Feb. 10 - 14, 2014. Chair: Zhangbu Xu
               ► APS, April Meeting, Savannah, GA, April 5 - 8, 2014.  Abstract deadline: Jan. 10, 2014
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 12 - 16, 2014. Chair: Ivan Kisel
               ► QM2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19 - 24, 2014. Abstract deadline: Feb. 15, 2014


STAR Management Meeting (11am EST)

2014-01-09 10:00
2014-01-09 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 9 January 2014
BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
           STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
             SeeVogh R.N.
             EVO International

           Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 16 0807 // Password: 0952

             Time:  11:00 am  - 12:00 noon EDT


I.  Agenda:

               1) News:               
               2) STAR Run14 Status: Bill
               3) Run14 shift sign-up: Renee / Jerome
               4) STAR pA LOI status: Elke / Huan / Ernst
               5) FY14 R&D Proposals: Flemming

             II. Brief Summary and action Items:

              1) Attandance:


 III. Note:

  ► BES-II White Paper Committee
      - co-chairs: D. Cebra and B. Mohanty
      - Deadline: March 1, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► pp/pA Committee
      - co-chairs: E. Aschenauer, H. Huang and E. Sichtermann
      - Deadline: April 30, 2014
      - BNL charges: pdf file
      - STAR charges: doc file

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
      BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
      LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file
      Preliminary Draft eSTAR LoI (Sept. 15th, v14) (pdf)
  ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
  ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
  ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
  ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
  ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


            IV. Future Meetings and Reviews
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Feb. 10 - 14, 2014. Chair: Zhangbu Xu
               ► APS, April Meeting, Savannah, GA, April 5 - 8, 2014.  Abstract deadline: Jan. 10, 2014
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 12 - 16, 2014. Chair: Ivan Kisel
               ► QM2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19 - 24, 2014. Abstract deadline: Feb. 15, 2014


STAR Management Meeting (new time 11-12 EDT)

2013-10-03 11:00
2013-10-03 12:00
America/New York
Thursday, 3 October 2013
BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
            Thursday, 26 September 2013
            BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

           STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
             SeeVogh R.N.
             EVO International

           Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 16 0807 // Password: 0952

             Time:  11:00 am  - 12:00 noon EDT


I.  Agenda:

               1) News:
               2) HFT status: Flemming
               3) More LoIs: Nu
                     BES-II LoI proposed deadline: March 1, 2014
                     pA LoI proposed deadline: March 31, 2014
               4) Lab shutdown and collaboration meeting: Nu
               5) TBD

             II. Brief Summary and action Items:

              1) Attandance: Nu, Huan, Carl, Scott, Xin, Zhangbu, Gene.
              2) Collaboration meeting: Send a message to the coll.
              3) STAR and ePHENIX will write their docuuments. //
                  BES-II: need lumi # from CAD, running time, e.g. ect. at 5GeV and 20 GeV;
                  needs: physics learned, BES-II and detector proposal at the same timeline. Physics+BES-II should be publishable Detectors:
                  a) Reaction-plane detector may not need for pA program; b) pA program link to future ep/eA program.  //
                  p+A: need detector proposals. i) detector req.; ii) pa conn, to other programs, remove ; iii) deadlines end of April. Not run into
                  PA C and Run14 work;  iv) drop last sent in the charge
                  Combine: spin; p+A; and BES-II in the whitepaper ???


 III. Note:

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
      BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
      LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file
      Preliminary Draft eSTAR LoI (Sept. 15th, v14) (pdf)
  ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
  ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
  ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
  ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
  ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


            IV. Future Meetings and Reviews
               ► STAR Regional Meeting, USTC, Hefei, Sept. 11 - 13, 2013
               ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, October 14 - 19, 2013
               ► DNP, JLab, Newport News, October 23 - 26, 2013


OPA mini review September 24 2013

 An OPA min-review was held on September 24 as a video/phone conference

Low-pT NPE in Au+Au 200 GeV run 10


Speaker : Kunsu Oh

Talk time : 11:10, Duration : 00:50

NPE papers status (NPE v2 and spectra in Au+Au 200 GeV)

Speaker : Daniel Kikola

Talk time : 10:40, Duration : 00:30

Coffee break

NPE in Au+Au 62 GeV


Speaker : Mustafa Mustafa

Talk time : 09:40, Duration : 00:40

Heavy Flavor III

09:00NPE-hadron correlations in Au+Au 200 GeV run 11 ( 00:40 ) 1 fileJay Dunkelberger
09:40NPE in Au+Au 62 GeV ( 00:40 ) 1 fileMustafa Mustafa
Coffee break ( 00:20 )
10:40 NPE papers status (NPE v2 and spectra in Au+Au 200 GeV) ( 00:30 ) 3 filesDaniel Kikola
11:10Low-pT NPE in Au+Au 200 GeV run 10 ( 00:50 ) 1 fileKunsu Oh

NPE-hadron correlations in Au+Au 200 GeV run 11

Speaker : Jay Dunkelberger

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:40

D0 analysis in p+p 200 GeV Run 12 data


Speaker : Hao Qiu

Talk time : 15:20, Duration : 00:40

D mesons in p+p 200 GeV Run 12


Speaker : Mustafa Mustafa

Talk time : 14:40, Duration : 00:40

D0 in U+U Run 12

Speaker : Zhenyu Ye

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:40

Heavy Flavor II

14:00D0 in U+U Run 12 ( 00:40 ) 1 fileZhenyu Ye
14:40D mesons in p+p 200 GeV Run 12 ( 00:40 ) 1 fileMustafa Mustafa
15:20D0 analysis in p+p 200 GeV Run 12 data ( 00:40 ) 1 fileHao Qiu
16:00D0/D* in p+p 200 GeV run 12. ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDavid Tlusty

Upsilon in U+U 193


Speaker : Robert Vertesi

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 00:30