STAR Protected

ToF in SDD events

Speaker : Lukasz Fulek ( AGH-UST )

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:20


HFT Geometry Status

Speaker : Flemming Videbæk

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:30


chi^2 analysis of b-slope results

Speaker : Ivan Koralt ( ODU )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


Data Filtering

Certain runs have been observed to display data that was introduced during periods in which the detector was malfunctioning.

Light Flavor Spectra PWG Parallel Session

08:30SQM rehearsal: Recent Results on Strangeness Production at STAR ( 00:30 ) 1 fileXianglei Zhu
09:00SQM rehearsal: Study of freeze-out dynamics in STAR at RHIC beam energy scan program ( 00:30 ) 1 fileSabita Das
09:30BES Photon Multiplicity Distributions at Forward Rapidities ( 00:30 ) 1 fileDronika Solanki
Coffee Break ( 00:30 )
10:30SQM rehearsal: Beam Energy Dependence of Strange Hadron Production from STAR at RHIC ( 00:30 ) 1 fileFeng Zhao
11:00Direct Photon Production ( 00:30 ) 1 fileChi Yang
11:30[EVO] Run 11 200GeV Dielectron Analysis Update ( 00:30 ) 1 fileYi Guo
12:00[EVO] Phi Meson Production in Au+Au at 200GeV ( 00:30 ) 1 fileChristina Markert
Lunch ( 01:30 )
14:00Dielectron Production in Au+Au at 27GeV ( 00:30 ) 1 fileJoseph Butterworth
14:30Dielectron Production in Au+Au at BES Energies ( 00:30 ) 1 filePatrick Huck
15:00Muonic Atom Search in STAR ( 00:30 ) 1 fileKefeng Xin
Tea Break ( 00:30 )
16:00BES Identified Particle RAA Analysis ( 00:30 ) 1 fileEvan Sangaline
16:30[EVO] BES Rcp Analysis Update ( 00:30 ) 2 filesStephen Horvat
17:00[EVO] Fixed Target Rapidity dependent of Pion and Proton spectra and dN/dy distributions ( 00:30 ) 1 fileBrooke Haag

Heavy Flavor PWG Parallel Session (I)

09:00J/psi analysis in U+U collisions ( 00:40 ) 1 filePetr Chaloupka
09:40J/psi analysis in p+p 500 GeV (EVO) ( 00:40 ) 1 fileQian Yang
Coffee Break ( 00:20 )
10:40J/psi updates in low energies (EVO) ( 00:40 ) 1 fileWangmei Zha
11:20D-mesons updates in U+U 193 GeV and p+p 500 GeV (EVO) ( 00:40 ) 1 fileDavid Tlusty
12:00D0 paper status in Au+Au 200 GeV (EVO) ( 00:40 ) 1 fileYifei Zhang
Lunch ( 01:20 )
14:00D0 updates in U+U collisions at 193 GeV ( 00:40 ) 1 fileZhenyu Ye
14:40Low energy NPE updates ( 00:40 ) 1 fileMustafa Mustafa
Coffee Break ( 00:20 )
15:40Paper status of NPE v2 and spectra in AuAu 200GeV (EVO) ( 00:40 ) 1 fileDaniel Kikola
16:20NPE updates in d+Au collisions (EVO) ( 00:40 ) 1 fileOlga Hajkova
17:00e-h correlation in Run 11 (EVO) ( 00:40 ) 1 fileJay Dunkelberger
17:40Notes on fitting to extract yields ( 00:20 ) 2 filesManuel Calderon de la Barca Sanchez (UC Davis )

Upsilon pp, dAu, AuAu GPC E-mail Responses

 This is a page to house long e-mail responses.

B-slope calculated form the data.

Speaker : Ivan Koralt ( ODU )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


FMS run-15 discussion

2013-05-14 11:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

The starting point will be the recommendation from the PWG in view of the run-15 priorities , so we will discuss plans, and realities (funds, resources and schedules) for

- repair plans and schedule for FMS (Steve T.)

- Preshower for FMS (Elke)  
 preshower here
- revisit the HCAL status and possibilities

 Meeting at BNL in room 1-189 (star corridor)
BNL phone bridge 631-344-2261

Some additionalbackground material
Presentation by Xuan Li given in the jetcorr and spinpwg available

b-slope systematic errors

Speaker : Ivan Koralt ( ODU )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


HFT software meetings (overview)

 Most software and related links are refered to in the link pointing to pages maintained by Spiros Margetis 
  • Read more
  • STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-06-28 12:00
    2013-06-28 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 28 June 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-07-05 12:00
    2013-07-05 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 5 July 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-05-10 12:00
    2013-05-10 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 10 May 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

                 STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
                  SeeVogh R.N.
                EVO International
                Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID:  155036 // Password: 0952

                 Time:  12:00 - 14:00 EDT


    I.  Agenda:

                   1) News: (1) Run status: Bill; (2) HFT: Flemming
                   2) FGT status: Bernd
                   3) Transition to eRHIC LOI discussions: All
                   4) AOB


                 II. Brief Summary and action Items:

                  1) Attandance: Bedanga, Jerome, Carl, Gene, Enst, Bernd, Jamie, Elke, Huan, Flemming, Xin, Zhangbu, Thomas, Nu, Bill

                  2) Run13 status: HFT installed.
                 3) FGT performance: Bernd. Disk 1 and 2 performed well, AVP chip problem for disk 3,4,5,6 / The efficiency of working disks is in
                      the order of 0.9 but fee problem will reduce overall efficiency of the FGT. / FGT is NOT planned for run14, but will be used in run15.
                      FGT performance in AuAu collisions has not been studied. / reparing of the fee will require funding to MIT / removing FGT from star
                      need Jason and Ben and requiring funding from BNL. / Software: need to experienced FTE for STV. / Q: Huan, using low lum data to
                      check the tracking, efficiency, resolutions ...? Low lum run is planned, 15 hrs / Urgetn need manpower fro software / In two weeks,
                      Bernd will discuss with the management

                      Huan: move the management meeting to 11am EDT

                 4) LOI fro transition from RHIC to eRHIC:  Q: Zhangbu, who will pay for the eSTAR costs? First we need to establish the concepts of
                     physics measurements, for ep, eA upto 10 GeV. What physical quantity could be extracted? / Need manpower to run MC and identify
                     physics observables / Elke: Q^2 coverage and resolutions for eSTAR / Prioroties: what to MC, what to measure,  / Clarify the first
                     paragraph of the charges. / Calorimeters are good for eloss measurement in eA collisions. / Nu will talk to people to form the LOI
                     committee during the next few weeks.


     III. Note:

      ► Charges for Transition to eRHIC: B. Mueller, 5/8/2013
      ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
      ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
      ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
      ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
      ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontier

      ► 2012 RHIC/AGS Thesis Award: Congratulations to Len Eun, full citation.

      ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu

      ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


     IV. Future Meetings and Reviews

                    ► BNL PAC, BNL, June 11 - 12, 2013
                    ► STAR regional meeting, CTU, Prague, June 13-14, 2013
                    ► STAR Analysis Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafyeti, July 16 -19, 2013
                    ► Strangeness in Quark Matter, Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 22 - 27, 2013. Abstract deadline: April 15, 2013.
    STAR regional meeting, USTC, Hefei, Sept. 11 - 13, 2013
                    ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, October 14 - 19, 2013


    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-05-17 12:00
    2013-05-17 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 17 May 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-05-24 12:00
    2013-05-24 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 24 May 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

                 STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
                  SeeVogh R.N.
                EVO International
                Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID:  155036 // Password: 0952

                 Time:  12:00 - 13:00 EDT


    I.  Agenda:

                   1) News: (1) Run status: Bill
                   2) HFT installation / FGT status: Flemming
                   3) New convener for BulkCorr: Nu
                   4) PAC speakers: suggestions: BES-I: Dan / UU: Gang Wang / eSTAR : Zhangbu / BUR: Nu
                   5) AOB


                 II. Brief Summary and action Items:

                  1) Attandance: Bill, Flemming, Gene, Huan, Xin, Nu, Scott
                  2) Run 13 status: things going very well / MTD trigger is ready and running / Nu: run13 end June 10, Monday /
                  3) HFT: Flemming / took a low lumi run last Friday, two sets of 200k events for two settings, correlations between TPC tracks and pixels extablished
                      MIE OPA review in January 2014
                  4) FGT: Flemming / close out review wil be scheduled
                  5) BulkCorr convner: ok
                  6) PAC speakers: ok


     III. Note:

      ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
      ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
      ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
      ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
      ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontier

      ► 2012 RHIC/AGS Thesis Award: Congratulations to Len Eun, full citation.

      ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu

      ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


     IV. Future Meetings and Reviews

                    ► BNL PAC, BNL, June 11 - 12, 2013 
                       STAR BUR draft (docx); BUR draft (pdf) (as of May 24)
    STAR BUR draft: docx; pdf (as of May 26)
                      STAR BUR draft: docx; pdf (as of May 28)

                    ► STAR regional meeting, CTU, Prague, June 13-14, 2013
                    ► STAR Analysis Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafyeti, July 16 -19, 2013      
                    ► Strangeness in Quark Matter, Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 22 - 27, 2013. Abstract deadline: April 15, 2013.
    ► STAR regional meeting, USTC, Hefei, Sept. 11 - 13, 2013
                    ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, October 14 - 19, 2013


    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-05-31 12:00
    2013-05-31 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 31 May 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

                 STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
                  SeeVogh R.N.
                EVO International
                Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID:  155036 // Password: 0952

                 Time:  12:00 - 13:00 EDT


    I.  Agenda:

                   1) News: (1) Run status: Bill
                   2) HFT installation: Flemming
                   3) BNL PAC meeting: Nu
                   4) TBD

                 II. Brief Summary and action Items:

                  1) Attandance: Scott, Bill, Jerome, Flemming, Huan, Bedanga, Nu, Gene,
                  2) Run status: Bill, take data till 10am, June 10th. No further cosmic ray data taking.
                  3) HFT: Flemming, no further read out errors. 6-7M low lum data are needed. PXEL take data with all other subsystems.
                      Will test the performance under high (normal) lumi.
                  4) FGT for W and future:
                  5) Fixed-target:


     III. Note:

      ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
      ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
      ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
      ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
      ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontier

      ► 2012 RHIC/AGS Thesis Award: Congratulations to Len Eun, full citation.

      ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu

      ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


     IV. Future Meetings and Reviews

                    ► BNL PAC, BNL, June 11 - 12, 2013. STAR BUR draft: docx; pdf (May 28)
                    ► STAR regional meeting, CTU, Prague, June 13-14, 2013
                    ► STAR Analysis Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafyeti, July 16 -19, 2013      
                    ► Strangeness in Quark Matter, Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 22 - 27, 2013. Abstract deadline: April 15, 2013.
    ► STAR regional meeting, USTC, Hefei, Sept. 11 - 13, 2013
                    ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, October 14 - 19, 2013


    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-06-07 12:00
    2013-06-07 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 7 June 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

                 STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
                  SeeVogh R.N.
                EVO International
                Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID:  155036 // Password: 0952

                 Time:  12:00 - 13:00 EDT


    I.  Agenda:

                   1) News: (1) Run status: Bill
                   2) PAC talks: NU
                   3) TBD

                 II. Brief Summary and action Items:

                  1) Attandance:


     III. Note:

      ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
      ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
      ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
      ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
      ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
      ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
          BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
          LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file

      ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


     IV. Future Meetings and Reviews

                    ► BNL  PAC, BNL, June 11 - 12, 2013. STAR BUR draft: docx; pdf (May 28)
                       Talk drafts:
                        1) BES-I results (20+10): D. Cebra ppt file (June 7th)
                        2) U+U results (15+10): G. Wang pdf file (June 6th)
                       3) eSTAR (15+10): Z.B. Xu pptx (June 8th)
                       4) BUR (30+10): N. Xu pdf (Jund 7th)

                    ► STAR regional meeting, CTU, Prague, June 13-14, 2013
                    ► STAR Analysis Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafyeti, July 16 -19, 2013      
                    ► Strangeness in Quark Matter, Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 22 - 27, 2013.
    ► STAR regional meeting, USTC, Hefei, Sept. 11 - 13, 2013
                    ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, October 14 - 19, 2013


    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-06-14 12:00
    2013-06-14 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 14 June 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

    STAR Management Weekly Meeting

    2013-06-21 12:00
    2013-06-21 13:00
    America/New York
    Friday, 21 June 2013
    BNL, Buld 510, I-189, at 16:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

                 STAR Management Weekly Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star
                  SeeVogh R.N.
                EVO International
                Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID:  155036 // Password: 0952

                 Time:  12:00 - 13:00 EDT


    I.  Agenda:

                   1) News:
                   2) eSTAR LOI status: Ernst/Zhangbu
                   3) FGT plan: Flemming
                   4) Near future upgrades (pre-shower, FMS, ...): Flemming/Huang
                   5) Analysis meeting/SQM preparation: Xin
                   6) Computing Plan: Xin/Jerome

                 II. Brief Summary and action Items:

                  1) Attandance:


     III. Note:

      ► BNL2013  PAC. STAR BUR201415: docx // pdf (May 28)
      ► Tribble Committee Presentation, 1/28/2013
      ► RHIC WhitePaper: The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations 9/2/2012
      ► DNP HI WhitePaper: Hot and Dense QCD Matter
      ► RHIC Spin WhitePaper: The RHIC Spin Program
      ► EIC WhitePaper: Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontie
      ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu Xu
          BNL Charges to "LOI transition from RHIC to eRHIC": doc file
          LOI Committee Membership and charges: doc file

      ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


     IV. Future Meetings and Reviews               

                    ► STAR Analysis Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafyeti, July 16 -19, 2013      
                    ► Strangeness in Quark Matter, Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 22 - 27, 2013.
    ► STAR regional meeting, USTC, Hefei, Sept. 11 - 13, 2013
                    ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, October 14 - 19, 2013
