STAR run 15-16 BUR

Final PAC Report in 2014: (07/07/2014)

new RHIC luminosity projection: 

Draft version:

Final version:

draft talk:

BES II draft talk at PAC2014

STAR_BUR_Run1516.v9.pdf (05/28/2014)

STAR_BUR_Run1516.v8.pdf (05/27/2014)


STAR_BUR_Run1516.v1.docx (04/23/2014)


The next Nuclear and Particle Physics Program Advisory Committee meeting will be held at Brookhaven 11-13 June 2014. 
The deadline for the submission of written material to be considered at this meeting is 3 June 2014.
PAC Meeting agenda, Jun 11--13, 2014

previous BUR and presentations at last PAC meeting

PAC meeting agenda, 2013


Committee meeting:
SeeVogh ID: 100 4272 
Every Thursday effective 04/03/2014 from 3-4PM

Title:                     run15-16BUR
Community:        STAR
 Meeting type: Open Meeting (Round Table)
 Meeting Access Information:
 WebStart (Java)   
 Mobile App : Meeting ID: 100 4274  
or Link:
 - Phone Bridge
                ID: 100 4274

Template for the word document style: 


Charge to the committee:

The committee is requested to provide a document on Beam Use Request for RHIC run 15 and run 16 with the planned guideline of 22 cryo-weeks for both runs. In last BUR, STAR presented a request for run15 with 5 weeks of p+Au and 12 weeks of p+p physics runs, and a multi-year three-stage run plan for heavy-flavor program. Progresses in scientific results, detector developments and installations relevant to the programs in BUR should be documented. An initial draft of BUR should be available in May 10 for collaboration review, and a final version should be submitted to PAC in June 3.

The committee consists of: Elke Aschenauer, Ernst Sichtermann, Huan Huang, Helen Caines, Dan Cebra,

Jerome Lauret, Flemming Videbaek, Xin Dong, Daniel Kikola, Lijuan Ruan, Frank Geurts,

Zhangbu Xu (chair)

-----Original Message-----

charge from ALD

From: Mueller, Berndt

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 6:39 PM

To: James Nagle; Morrison, David; Xu, Zhangbu; Nu Xu

Cc: Yamin, Peter; Lissauer, David; Dunlop, James C; Roser, Thomas

Subject: 2014 RHIC Beam Use Requests

Dear RHIC Collaborations:

In view of the proximity of Quark Matter 2014 to the PAC meeting on June 11-13, the final version of the annual beam use proposals from the RHIC collaborations will be due on June 3, 2014. In view of the closeness of this date to the PAC meeting, and to leave the PAC members sufficient time to study the beam use requests, I urge you to not exceed this deadline. In order to permit Laboratory feedback before the proposals are finalized, I request that you send me a draft version of the beam use proposal no later than May 12, before everyone leaves for Quark Matter.

The proposals should describe and justify which beam operations you would like to see during the 2015 and 2016 runs, which are currently planned as 22 week runs. As usual, the beam use proposal should also give a brief review of recent published results and an early assessment of the success of Run-14.

Please send the proposals in electronic form to Peter Yamin, with copies to me, David Lissauer, Jamie Dunlop, and Thomas Roser.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this important matter.

Best regards
