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- 2009.10.02 Jason vs. CVS EEMC geometry: sampling fraction and shower shapes
- 2009.10.05 Fix to the Jason geometry file
- 2009.10.12 Jason EEMC geometry: effects of adding layers
- 2009.10.13 Jason EEMC geometry: position correlations
- 2009.10.16 Jason geometry file: Full STAR simulations
- 2009.10.20 Sampling fraction problem: full STAr vs. EEMC stand alone geometry
- 2009.10.26 Jason vs. CVS EEMC: removed SMD layers
- 2009.10.27 Jason EEMC geometry: effect of removing new SMD layers
- 2009.10.27: Jason EEMC geometry: comparison without LOW_EM option
- 2009.10.30: Jason EEMC geometry: Jason with ELED block from CVS file
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Original (ecalgeo.g) file from CVS
Updated on Mon, 2009-10-05 10:36. Originally created by seluzhen on 2009-10-05 10:35.
Original (ecalgeo.g) file from CVS
****************************************************************************** Module ECALGEO is the EM EndCap Calorimeter GEOmetry Created 26 jan 1996 Author Rashid Mehdiyev * * Version 1.1, W.J. Llope * - changed sensitive medium names... * * Version 2.0, R.R. Mehdiyev 16.04.97 * - Support walls included * - intercell and intermodule gaps width updated * - G10 layers inserted * Version 2.1, R.R. Mehdiyev 23.04.97 * - Shower Max Detector geometry added * - Variable eta grid step size introduced * Version 2.2, R.R. Mehdiyev 03.12.97 * - Eta grid corrected * - Several changes in volume's dimensions * - Material changes in SMD * * Version 3.0, O. Rogachevsky 28.11.99 * - New proposal for calorimeter SN 0401 * * Version 4.1, O.Akio 3 Jan 01 * - Include forward pion detectors * Version 5.0, O. Rogachevsky 20.11.01 * - FPD is eliminated in this version * - More closed to proposal description * of calorimeter and SMD structure * ****************************************************************************** +CDE,AGECOM,GCONST,GCUNIT. * Content EAGA,EALP,ECAL,ECHC,ECVO,ECGH,EFLP,EHMS, ELED,EMGT,EMOD,EPER,EPSB,ERAD,ERCM,ERSM, ESHM,ESEC,ESCI,ESGH,ESPL,ESSP,EMSS, ETAR,EXGT,EXSG * Structure EMCG { Version, int Onoff, int fillMode} Structure EMCS { Type,ZOrig,ZEnd,EtaMin,EtaMax, PhiMin,PhiMax,Offset, Nsupsec,Nsector,Nsection,Nslices, Front,AlinCell,Frplast,Bkplast,PbPlate,LamPlate, BckPlate,Hub,Rmshift,SMShift,GapPlt,GapCel, GapSMD,SMDcentr,TieRod(2),Bckfrnt,GapHalf,Cover} * Structure EETR { Type,Etagr,Phigr,Neta,EtaBin(13)} * Structure ESEC { Isect, FPlmat, Cell, Scint, Nlayer } * Structure EMXG {Version,Sapex,Sbase,Rin,Rout,F4} * Structure EXSE {Jsect,Zshift,Sectype(6)} * Integer I_section,J_section,Ie,is,isec,i_str,Nstr,Type,ii,jj, cut,fsect,lsect,ihalf,filled * Real center,Plate,Cell,G10,diff,halfi, tan_low,tan_upp,Tanf,RBot,Rtop,Deta,etax,sq2,sq3, dup,dd,d2,d3,rshift,dphi,radiator,orgkeep,endkeep * Real maxcnt,msecwd,mxgten,curr,Secwid,Section, curcl,EtaTop,EtaBot,slcwid,zslice,Gap,mgt, xleft,xright,yleft,yright,current, rth,len,p,xc,yc,xx,yy,rbotrad, Rdel,dxy,ddn,ddup Integer N Parameter (N=12) * Tanf(etax) = tan(2*atan(exp(-etax))) * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * FillMode =1 only 2-5 sectors (in the first half) filled with scintillators * FillMode =2 all sectors filled (still only one half of one side) * FillMode =3 both halves (ie all 12 sectors are filled) Fill EMCG ! EM EndCAp Calorimeter basic data Version = 5.0 ! Geometry version OnOff = 3 ! Configurations 0-no, 1-west 2-east 3-both FillMode = 3 ! sectors fill mode Fill EMCS ! EM Endcap Calorimeter geometry Type = 1 ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd edcap prototype ZOrig = 268.763 ! calorimeter origin in z ZEnd = 310.007 ! Calorimeter end in z EtaMin = 1.086 ! upper feducial eta cut EtaMax = 2.0, ! lower feducial eta cut PhiMin = -90 ! Min phi PhiMax = 90 ! Max phi Offset = 0.0 ! offset in x Nsupsec = 6 ! Number of azimuthal supersectors Nsector = 30 ! Number of azimutal sectors (Phi granularity) Nslices = 5 ! number of phi slices in supersector Nsection = 4 ! Number of readout sections Front = 0.953 ! thickness of the front AL plates AlinCell = 0.02 ! Aluminim plate in cell Frplast = 0.015 ! Front plastic in megatile Bkplast = 0.155 ! Fiber routing guides and back plastic Pbplate = 0.457 ! Lead radiator thickness LamPlate = 0.05 ! Laminated SS plate thickness BckPlate = 3.175 ! Back SS plate thickness Hub = 3.81 ! thickness of EndCap hub Rmshift = 2.121 ! radial shift of module smshift = 0.12 ! radial shift of steel support walls GapPlt = 0.3/2 ! HALF of the inter-plate gap in phi GapCel = 0.03/2 ! HALF of the radial inter-cell gap GapSMD = 3.400 ! space for SMD detector SMDcentr = 279.542 ! SMD position TieRod = {160.,195} ! Radial position of tie rods Bckfrnt = 306.832 ! Backplate front Z GapHalf = 0.4 ! 1/2 Gap between halves of endcap wheel Cover = 0.075 ! Cover of wheel half * Rmshift = 2.121 ! radial shift of module * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill EETR ! Eta and Phi grid values Type = 1 ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd EtaGr = 1.0536 ! eta_top/eta_bot tower granularity PhiGr = 0.0981747 ! Phi granularity (radians) NEta = 12 ! Eta granularity EtaBin = {2.0,1.9008,1.8065,1.7168,1.6317,1.5507,1.4738, 1.4007,1.3312,1.2651,1.2023,1.1427,1.086}! Eta rapidities *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill ESEC ! First EM section ISect = 1 ! Section number Nlayer = 1 ! Number of Sci layers along z Cell = 1.505 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.5 ! Sci layer thickness * Fill ESEC ! First EM section ISect = 2 ! Section number Nlayer = 1 ! Number of Sci layers along z Cell = 1.505 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.5 ! Sci layer thickness * Fill ESEC ! Second EM section ISect = 3 ! Section number Nlayer = 4 ! Number of Sci layers along z Cell = 1.405 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.4 ! Sci layer thickness * Fill ESEC ! Third EM section ISect = 4 ! Section Nlayer = 18 ! Number of layers along z Cell = 1.405 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.4 ! Sci layer thickness * Fill ESEC ! 4th EM section ISect = 5 ! Section Nlayer = 1 ! Number of layers along z Cell = 1.505 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.5 ! Sci layer thickness *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill EMXG ! EM Endcap SMD basic data Version = 1 ! Geometry version Sapex = 0.7 ! Scintillator strip apex Sbase = 1.0 ! Scintillator strip base Rin = 77.41 ! inner radius of SMD plane Rout = 213.922 ! outer radius of SMD plane F4 = .15 ! F4 thickness *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill EXSE ! First SMD section JSect = 1 ! Section number Zshift = -1.215 ! Section width sectype = {4,1,0,2,1,0} ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU * Fill EXSE ! Second SMD section JSect = 2 ! Section number Zshift = 0. ! Section width sectype = {0,2,1,0,2,3} ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU * Fill EXSE ! Third SMD section JSect = 3 ! Section number Zshift = 1.215 ! Section width sectype = {1,0,2,1,0,2} ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use EMCG * sq3 = sqrt(3.) sq2 = sqrt(2.) prin1 emcg_version ('ECALGEO version ', F4.2) * Endcap USE EMCS type=1 USE EETR type=1 orgkeep = emcs_ZOrig endkeep = emcs_ZEnd if(emcg_OnOff>0) then diff = 0.0 center = (emcs_ZOrig+emcs_ZEnd)/2 Tan_Upp = tanf(emcs_EtaMin) Tan_Low = tanf(emcs_EtaMax) rth = sqrt(1. + Tan_Low*Tan_Low) rshift = emcs_Hub * rth dup=emcs_Rmshift*Tan_Upp dd=emcs_Rmshift*rth d2=rshift + dd radiator = emcs_Pbplate + 2*emcs_LamPlate * d3=emcs_Rmshift-2*emcs_smshift dphi = (emcs_PhiMax-emcs_PhiMin)/emcs_Nsector Create ECAL if (emcg_OnOff==1 | emcg_OnOff==3) then Position ECAL in CAVE z=+center endif if (emcg_OnOff==2 | emcg_OnOff==3) then Position ECAL in CAVE z=-center ThetaZ=180 endif if(section > emcs_Zend) then prin0 section,emcs_Zend (' ECALGEO error: sum of sections exceeds maximum ',2F12.4) endif prin1 section (' EndCap calorimeter total depth ',F12.4) endif prin1 ('ECALGEO finished') * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECAL is one EMC EndCap wheel Material Air Medium standard Attribute ECAL seen=1 colo=7 ! lightblue shape CONE dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2, Rmn1=orgkeep*Tan_Low-d2 Rmn2=endkeep*Tan_Low-d2, Rmx1=orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=endkeep*Tan_Upp+dup do ihalf=1,2 filled=1 halfi = -105 + (ihalf-1)*180 if (ihalf=2 & emcg_FillMode<3) filled = 0 Create and Position EAGA AlphaZ=halfi enddo * EndBlock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EAGA is half of wheel air volume for the EndCap module Attribute EAGA seen=1 colo=1 serial=filled ! black Material Air shape CONS dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2, Rmn1=orgkeep*Tan_Low-d2 Rmn2=endkeep*Tan_Low-d2, Rmx1=orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=endkeep*Tan_Upp+dup, phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax if (filled=1) then Create and Position EMSS konly='MANY' curr = orgkeep ; curcl = endkeep Create and position ECGH AlphaZ=90 konly='ONLY' endif EndBlock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMSS is steel support of the EndCap module Attribute EMSS seen=1 colo=1 ! black Material Iron shape CONS dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2, Rmn1=orgkeep*Tan_Low-d2 Rmn2=endkeep*Tan_Low-d2, Rmx1=orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=endkeep*Tan_Upp+dup, phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax zslice = emcs_ZOrig prin1 zslice (' Front Al plane starts at: ',F12.4) slcwid = emcs_Front Create and Position EFLP z=zslice-center+slcwid/2 zslice = zslice + slcwid prin1 zslice (' First calorimeter starts at: ',F12.4) fsect = 1; lsect = 3 slcwid = emcs_SMDcentr - emcs_GapSMD/2 - zslice * Create and Position ECVO z=zslice-center+slcwid/2 slcwid = emcs_GapSMD zslice = emcs_SMDcentr - emcs_GapSMD/2 prin1 section,zslice (' 1st calorimeter ends, SMD starts at: ',2F10.5) Create and Position ESHM z=zslice-center+slcwid/2 zslice = zslice + slcwid prin1 zslice (' SMD ends at: ',F10.5) * slcwid = 0 fsect = 4; lsect = 5 do I_section =fsect,lsect USE ESEC Isect=I_section Slcwid = slcwid + esec_cell*esec_Nlayer enddo slcwid = emcs_bckfrnt - zslice * Create and Position ECVO z = zslice-center+slcwid/2 zslice = emcs_bckfrnt prin1 section,zslice (' 2nd calorimeter ends, Back plate starts at: ',2F10.5) slcwid = emcs_BckPlate * Create and Position ESSP z=zslice-center+slcwid/2 zslice = zslice + slcwid prin1 zslice (' BackPlate ends at: ',F10.5) slcwid = emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig Create ERCM do i_str = 1,2 do is = 1,5 xx = emcs_phimin + is*30 yy = xx*degrad xc = cos(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str) yc = sin(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str) Position ERCM z=0 x=xc y=yc enddo enddo rth = orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup + 2.5/2 xc = (endkeep - orgkeep)*Tan_Upp len = .5*(endkeep + orgkeep)*Tan_Upp + dup + 2.5/2 yc = emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad Create EPSB do is = 1,6 xx = -75 + (is-1)*30 yy = xx*degrad xc = cos(yy)*len yc = sin(yy)*len Position EPSB x=xc y=yc AlphaZ=xx enddo EndBlock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECVO is one of EndCap Volume with megatiles and radiators Material Air Attribute ECVO seen=1 colo=3 ! green shape CONS dz=slcwid/2, Rmn1=zslice*Tan_Low-dd Rmn2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Low-dd, Rmx1=zslice*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Upp+dup do J_section = 1,6 if (1 < J_section < 6 | emcg_FillMode > 1)then filled = 1 else filled = 0 endif d3 = 75 - (J_section-1)*30 Create and Position EMOD AlphaZ=d3 Ncopy=J_section enddo * EndBlock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESHM is the SHower Max section * Material Air Attribute ESHM seen=1 colo=4 ! blue Shape CONS dz=SlcWid/2, rmn1=zslice*Tan_Low-dd, rmn2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Low-dd, rmx1=(zslice)*Tan_Upp+dup, rmx2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Upp+dup, phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax USE EMXG Version=1 maxcnt = emcs_SMDcentr prin1 zslice,section,center (' Z start for SMD,section: ',3F12.4) * do J_section = 1,3 USE EXSE Jsect=J_section * current = exse_Zshift secwid = emxg_Sapex + 2.*emxg_F4 section = maxcnt + exse_zshift prin1 j_section,current,section,secwid (' layer, Z, width : ',i3,3F12.4) rbot=section*Tan_Low rtop=section*Tan_Upp prin1 j_section,rbot,rtop (' layer, rbot,rtop : ',i3,2F12.4) Create and position ESPL z=current * end do Create ERSM do i_str = 1,2 do is = 1,5 xx = emcs_phimin + (is)*30 yy = xx*degrad xc = cos(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str) yc = sin(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str) Position ERSM z=0 x=xc y=yc enddo enddo Endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECGH is air Gap between endcap Half wheels Material Air Medium standard Attribute ECGH seen=0 colo=7 ! lightblue shape TRD1 dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2, dy =(emcs_gaphalf+emcs_cover)/2, dx1=orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup, dx2=endkeep*Tan_Upp+dup rth = emcs_GapHalf + emcs_cover xx=curr*Tan_Low-d2 xleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth) yy=curr*Tan_Upp+dup xright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth) secwid = yy - xx xx=curcl*Tan_Low-d2 yleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth) yy=curcl*Tan_Upp+dup yright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth) slcwid = yy - xx xx=(xleft+xright)/2 yy=(yleft + yright)/2 xc = yy - xx len = (xx+yy)/2 yc = curcl - curr p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad rth = -(emcs_GapHalf + emcs_cover)/2 Create ECHC Position ECHC x=len y=rth Position ECHC x=-len y=rth AlphaZ=180 EndBlock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECHC is steel EndCap Half Cover Attribute ECHC seen=1 colo=1 ! black Material Iron shape TRAP dz=(curcl-curr)/2, thet=p, bl1=secwid/2, tl1=secwid/2, bl2=slcwid/2, tl2=slcwid/2, h1=emcs_cover/2 h2=emcs_cover/2, phi=0 alp1=0 alp2=0 EndBlock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESSP is Stainless Steel back Plate * Material Iron Attribute ESSP seen=1 colo=6 fill=1 shape CONS dz=emcs_BckPlate/2, Rmn1=zslice*Tan_Low-dd Rmn2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Low-dd, Rmx1=zslice*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Upp+dup, phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EPSB is Projectile Stainless steel Bar * Material Iron Attribute EPSB seen=1 colo=6 fill=1 shape TRAP dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2, thet=p, bl1=2.5/2, tl1=2.5/2, bl2=2.5/2, tl2=2.5/2, h1=2.0/2 h2=2.0/2, phi=0 alp1=0 alp2=0 endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERCM is stainless steel tie Rod in CaloriMeter sections * Material Iron Attribute ERSM seen=1 colo=6 fill=1 shape TUBE dz=slcwid/2, rmin=0, rmax=1.0425 ! nobody knows exactly endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERSM is stainless steel tie Rod in Shower Max * Material Iron Attribute ERSM seen=1 colo=6 fill=1 shape TUBE dz=slcwid/2, rmin=0, rmax=1.0425 endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMOD is one module of the EM EndCap Attribute EMOD seen=1 colo=3 serial=filled ! green Material Air Shape CONS dz=slcwid/2, phi1=emcs_PhiMin/emcs_Nsupsec, phi2=emcs_PhiMax/emcs_Nsupsec, Rmn1=zslice*Tan_Low-dd Rmn2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Low-dd, Rmx1=zslice*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Upp+dup * * Running parameter 'section' contains the position of the current section * It should not be modified in daughters, use 'current' variable instead. * SecWid is used in all 'CONS' daughters to define dimensions. * * section = zslice curr = zslice + slcwid/2 Do I_section =fsect,lsect USE ESEC Isect=I_section * Secwid = esec_cell*esec_Nlayer if (I_section = 3 | I_section = 5) then ! no last radiator Secwid = Secwid - radiator else if (I_section = 4) then ! add one more radiator Secwid = Secwid - esec_cell + radiator endif Create and position ESEC z=section-curr+secwid/2 section = section + secwid * enddo endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESEC is a single EM section Attribute ESEC seen=1 colo=1 serial=filled Material Air Medium standard * Shape CONS dz=secwid/2, rmn1=(section-diff)*Tan_Low-dd, rmn2=(section+secwid-diff)*Tan_Low-dd, rmx1=(section-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup, rmx2=(section+secwid-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup * len = -secwid/2 current = section mgt = esec_scint + emcs_AlinCell _ + emcs_FrPlast + emcs_BkPlast gap = esec_cell - radiator - mgt prin2 I_section,section (' ESEC:I_section,section',i3,F12.4) Do is = 1,esec_Nlayer * define actual cell thickness: Cell = esec_cell plate = radiator * if (is=nint(esec_Nlayer) & (I_section = 3 | I_section = 5)) then Cell = mgt + gap Plate=0 else if (I_section = 4 & is = 1) then ! radiator only Cell = radiator endif * prin2 I_section,is,len,cell,current (' ESEC:I_section,is,len,cell,current ',2i3,3F12.4) if (I_section = 4 & is = 1) then ! radiator only cell = radiator + .14 Create and Position ERAD z=len + (cell)/2 len = len + cell current = current + cell else cell = mgt if(filled = 1) then Create and Position EMGT z=len +(gap+cell)/2 xx = current + (gap+cell)/2 prin2 I_section,is,xx (' MEGA I_section,is ',2i3,F10.4) endif len = len + cell + gap current = current + cell + gap if (Plate>0) then cell = radiator Create and Position ERAD z=len + cell/2 len = len + cell current = current + cell end if end if end do Endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMGT is a megatile EM section Attribute EMGT seen=1 colo=1 Material Air Medium standard * Shape CONS dz=mgt/2, rmn1=(current-diff)*Tan_Low-dd, rmn2=(current+mgt-diff)*Tan_Low-dd, rmx1=(current-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup, rmx2=(current+mgt-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup if (I_section=1 | I_section=2 | I_section=5) then Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.00001) else Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001) end if * Do isec=1,nint(emcs_Nslices) Create and Position EPER AlphaZ=(emcs_Nslices/2-isec+0.5)*dphi End Do Endblock *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EPER is a EM subsection period (super layer) * Material POLYSTYREN Attribute EPER seen=1 colo=1 Shape CONS dz=mgt/2, phi1=emcs_PhiMin/emcs_Nsector, phi2=+emcs_PhiMax/emcs_Nsector, rmn1=(current-diff)*Tan_Low-dd, rmn2=(current+mgt-diff)*Tan_Low-dd, rmx1=(current-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup, rmx2=(current+mgt-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup * curcl = current+mgt/2 Do ie = 1,nint(eetr_NEta) EtaBot = eetr_EtaBin(ie) EtaTop = eetr_EtaBin(ie+1) RBot=(curcl-diff)*Tanf(EtaBot) * if(Plate > 0) then ! Ordinary Sci layer RTop=min((curcl-diff)*Tanf(EtaTop), _ ((current-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup)) else ! last Sci layer in section RTop=min((curcl-diff)*Tanf(EtaTop), _ ((current-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup)) endif check RBot<RTop * xx=tan(pi*emcs_PhiMax/180.0/emcs_Nsector) yy=cos(pi*emcs_PhiMax/180.0/emcs_Nsector) Create and Position ETAR x=(RBot+RTop)/2 ORT=YZX prin2 ie,EtaTop,EtaBot,rbot,rtop (' EPER : ie,EtaTop,EtaBot,rbot,rtop ',i3,4F12.4) enddo * EndBlock * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Block ETAR is one CELL of scintillator, fiber and plastic * Attribute ETAR seen=1 colo=4 ! blue * local z goes along the radius, y is the thickness Shape TRD1 dy=mgt/2 dz=(RTop-RBot)/2, dx1=RBot*xx-emcs_GapCel/yy, dx2=RTop*xx-emcs_GapCel/yy * Create and Position EALP y=(-mgt+emcs_AlinCell)/2 G10 = esec_scint Create and Position ESCI y=(-mgt+G10)/2+emcs_AlinCell _ +emcs_FrPlast EndBlock * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Block ESCI is the active scintillator (polystyren) layer * Material POLYSTYREN Material Cpolystyren Isvol=1 Attribute ESCI seen=1 colo=7 fill=0 ! lightblue * local z goes along the radius, y is the thickness Shape TRD1 dy=esec_scint/2, dz=(RTop-RBot)/2-emcs_GapCel Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTNEU',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTHAD',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTMUO',0.001) * define Birks law parameters Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK1',1.) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK2',0.013) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK3',9.6E-6) * HITS ESCI Birk:0:(0,10) * xx:16:H(-250,250) yy:16:(-250,250) zz:16:(-350,350), * px:16:(-100,100) py:16:(-100,100) pz:16:(-100,100), * Slen:16:(0,1.e4) Tof:16:(0,1.e-6) Step:16:(0,100), * none:16: endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERAD is radiator * Material Iron Attribute ERAD seen=1 colo=6 fill=1 ! violet Shape CONS dz=radiator/2, rmn1=(current)*Tan_Low-dd, rmn2=(current+cell)*Tan_Low-dd, rmx1=(current)*Tan_Upp+dup, rmx2=(current+radiator)*Tan_Upp+dup Create and Position ELED endblock * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Block ELED is lead absorber Plate * Material Lead Attribute ELED seen=1 colo=4 fill=1 Shape TUBS dz=emcs_Pbplate/2, rmin=(current)*Tan_Low, rmax=(current+emcs_Pbplate)*Tan_Upp, Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTNEU',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTHAD',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTMUO',0.001) endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EFLP is First Aluminium plate * Material Aluminium Attribute EFLP seen=1 colo=3 fill=1 ! green shape CONS dz=emcs_Front/2, Rmn1=68.813 Rmn2=68.813, Rmx1=(zslice-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup, Rmx2=(zslice + slcwid-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup, phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EALP is ALuminium Plate in calorimeter cell * Material Aluminium Material StrAluminium isvol=0 Attribute EALP seen=1 colo=1 Shape TRD1 dy=emcs_AlinCell/2 dz=(RTop-RBot)/2 Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.00001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'LOSS',1.) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'STRA',1.) endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESPL is one of the Shower max PLanes * Material Air Attribute ESPL seen=1 colo=3 ! blue Shape TUBS dz=SecWid/2, rmin=section*Tan_Low-1.526, rmax=(section-secwid/2)*Tan_Upp+dup, phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax USE EMXG Version=1 msecwd = (emxg_Sapex+emxg_F4)/2 do isec=1,6 cut=1 d3 = 75 - (isec-1)*30 if (exse_sectype(isec) = 0 | (emcg_FillMode=1 & (isec=6 | isec=1))) then cut = 0 Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 Ncopy=isec else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 1) then ! V Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 Ncopy=isec Create and position EXGT z=msecwd AlphaZ=d3 else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 2) then ! U Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 ORT=X-Y-Z Ncopy=isec Create and position EXGT z=-msecwd AlphaZ=d3 else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 3) then ! cut V cut=2 Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 Ncopy=isec Create and position EXGT z=msecwd AlphaZ=d3 else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 4) then ! cut U cut=2 Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 ORT=X-Y-Z Ncopy=isec Create and position EXGT z=-msecwd AlphaZ=d3 endif enddo Endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EXSG is the Shower max Gap for scintillator strips * Attribute EXSG seen=1 colo=7 serial=cut ! black Material Air Shape TUBS dz=SecWid/2, rmin=section*Tan_Low-1.526, rmax=(section-secwid/2)*Tan_Upp+dup, phi1=emcs_PhiMin/emcs_Nsupsec, phi2=emcs_PhiMax/emcs_Nsupsec * Rbot = emxg_Rin Rtop = emxg_Rout if(cut > 0) then if(cut = 1) then Rdel = 3.938 Nstr = 288 else Rdel = -.475 Nstr = 285 endif rth = .53*rdel ! .53 --- tentatavily ddn = sq3*1.713 + Rdel ddup = .5*1.846 + 1.713 prin2 Rbot,Rtop,Nstr (' EXSG: Rbot,Rtop,Nstr',2F12.4,I5) mgt = emxg_Sbase + .01 do i_str = 1,nstr p = .5*(i_str-1)*mgt + 41.3655 * if (p <= (.5*rbot*sq3 + rth)) then dxy = 1.9375*sq2 xleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 + 1.) - dxy yleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 - 1.) - dxy yright = .5*sq2*(sqrt( rbot*rbot - p*p) - p) xright = sq2*p + yright else if ((.5*rbot*sq3 + rth) < p <= (.5*Rtop + 1.5)) then prin2 i_str,p (' EXSG: 2 - -i_str,p:',i3,F12.4) dxy = 1.9375*sq2 xleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 + 1.) - dxy yleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 - 1.) - dxy dxy = rdel*sq2/sq3 yright = .5*sq2*p*(1.- 1./sq3) xright = sq2*p - yright - dxy yright = -yright - dxy else if (p > (.5*rtop +1.5)) then prin2 i_str,p (' EXSG: 3 - - i_str,p:',i3,F12.4) yleft = (sqrt(rtop*rtop - p*p) - p)/sq2 xleft = sq2*p + yleft dxy = rdel*sq2/sq3 yright = .5*sq2*p*(1.- 1./sq3) xright = sq2*p - yright - dxy yright = -yright - dxy dxy = 0. if ((.5*sq3*160.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sq3*160.+ ddup) ) then prin2 i_str,p (' EXSG: 4 - - i_str,p:',i3,F12.4) xc = .5*(sq3*160.+1.846) yc = xc - .5*sq3*1.713 if (p > yc) then dxy = .5*sq2*(2/sq3*rdel + .5*sq3*1.846 +_ sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xc)*(p-xc))) else dxy = sq2/sq3*(p - .5*sq3* 160. + ddn) endif else if ((.5*sq3*195.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sq3*195. + ddup) ) then prin2 i_str,p (' EXSG: 5 - - i_str,p:',i3,F12.4) xc = .5*(sq3*195.+1.846) yc = xc - .5*sq3*1.713 if (p > yc) then dxy = .5*sq2*(2/sq3*rdel + .5*sq3*1.846 +_ sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xc)*(p-xc))) else dxy = sq2/sq3*(p - .5*sq3*195. + ddn) endif endif xright = xright + dxy yright = yright + dxy endif dxy = section*Tan_Upp - Rtop xc = .5*(xright+xleft) + dxy yc = .5*(yright+yleft) xx = .5*sq2*(xleft+yleft) yy = .5*sq2*(xright+yright) len = xx-yy prin2 i_str,p,yy,xx,len,xc,yc (' EXSG: i_str,x,y1,y2,len,xc,yc:',i3,6F12.4) * Create EHMS if (mod(i_str,2) != 0 ) then Position EHMS x=xc y=yc AlphaZ=-45 else Position EHMS x=xc y=yc AlphaZ=-45 ORT=X-Y-Z endif end do endif * dcut exsg z 0 0 10 0.1 0.1 * dcut exsg y 0 10 -50 0.7 0.7 endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EHMS is sHower Max Strip * Material POLYSTYREN Material Cpolystyren Isvol=1 Attribute EHMS seen=1 colo=2 serial=cut ! red Shape TRD1 dx1=0 dx2=emxg_Sbase/2 dy=len/2 dz=emxg_Sapex/2 Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001) * define Birks law parameters Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK1',1.) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK2',0.0130) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK3',9.6E-6) * HITS EHMS Birk:0:(0,10) * xx:16:SH(-250,250) yy:16:(-250,250) zz:16:(-350,350), * px:16:(-100,100) py:16:(-100,100) pz:16:(-100,100), * Slen:16:(0,1.e4) Tof:16:(0,1.e-6) Step:16:(0,100), * none:16: Eloss:0:(0,10) * Endblock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block EXGT is the G10 layer in the Shower Max * * G10 is about 60% SiO2 and 40% epoxy Component Si A=28.08 Z=14 W=0.6*1*28./60. Component O A=16 Z=8 W=0.6*2*16./60. Component C A=12 Z=6 W=0.4*8*12./174. Component H A=1 Z=1 W=0.4*14*1./174. Component O A=16 Z=8 W=0.4*4*16./174. Mixture g10 Dens=1.7 Attribute EXGT seen=1 colo=7 Shape TUBS dz=emxg_F4/2, rmin=(section-diff)*Tan_Low-1.526, rmax=(section+msecwd-diff)*Tan_Upp, phi1=emcs_PhiMin/emcs_Nsupsec, phi2=emcs_PhiMax/emcs_Nsupsec Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00001) Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.00001) EndBlock * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ECAL nice views: dcut ecvo x 1 10 -5 .5 .1 * draw emdi 105 0 160 2 13 .2 .1 * draw emdi 120 180 150 1 14 .12 .12 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end
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