12 Correcting Relative gains from 500 GeV L2W


After examining the Z invariant mass peak calculated using the L2W data stream with the offline calibration applied, it seemed like there was a problem.

10 Electron E/p from pp500 L2W events


I ran the usual calibration code over the L2W data produced for the W measurement.

09 MIP peaks calculated using L2W stream


The MIP peaks plotted in the attachment come from the L2W data.

2009 BSMD Relative Gains Information


The pdf posted here has a good overview of the computation of the slope for ea

Run 9 BSMD Online Monitoring Documentation


For run 9, BSMD performance was monitored by looking at non-zero-suppressed events.  The code is archived at /star/institutions/mit/wleight/archive/bsmdMonitoring2009/.  This blog page wi

08 End or run status


Attached are slopes plotted for run 10171078 which was towards the end of Run 9.

BSMD Wire Support Effects on GAIN


Here is a note from Oleg Tsai (and attached file "wiresup.pdf" below) concerning source

BSMD 2005 energy scale uncertainty


08 Completed Calibration and Uncertainty


The 2008 Calibraton has been uploaded into the database. I was able to find calibration coefficients for 4420 towers.

DELETE - Run 9 BSMD Status Update 6 (5/4)


As Matt says that the maximum status is 255, I have dropped the old status bit 5 as (it was unused).  Also, I have loosened the dead strip cuts based on looking at module 55 (see pages 203 or

DELETE - Run 9 BSMD Status Update 5 (4/30)


Edited on 5/1 to reflecte new status bit assigments for bits 3 and 4.

The current BSMD status bits are as follows:

DELETE - Run 9 BSMD Status Update 3 (4/24)


After looking more closely at the crate 1 channels I was forced to make serious revisions to status bit 2 from the previous update.  The new status bit 2 test is as follows:

Final Run 9 500 GeV BSMD Status - Willie Leight


BSMD Pedestals and Status for Run 9 pp 500 Data (June 2009, uploaded to offline DB)

The BSMD status analysis for the 500 GeV data proceeds as follows:

Run 9 BSMD Status Update 1 (4/19)


I use two datasets to QA BSMD channels: zero-suppressed data from L2W events (fills 10383-10507) and non-zero-suppressed data from online monitoring (fills 10436-10507) (note that at the moment I a

05 Summary of HV Adjustment Procedure


Summary of process used to change the HV for 2009 in BTOW:HV Files: Version indicates interation/mapping (numeral/letter)

04 Spectra from Problem PMT Channels


We set the HV = 800 Volts for all channels which have been masked out, repaired, or otherwise had problems in 2008.  I have examined the spectra for these channels and give pdfs with each of t

02 Comparing 2007, 2008 and 2009 BTOW Slopes


We have taken two sets of 1M pp events at sqrt(s)=500 GeV. For future reference, the statistical error on the slopes is typically in the range of 3.7%.  I give a plot of the

Run 9 BSMD Calibration


Parent page for BSMD Run 9 Calibration

Run 9 BTOW Calibration


Parent page for BTOW 2009 Calibrations

06 Calculating 2009 HV from Electron Calibrations


The ideal gain for each tower satisfies the following relation, where E_T = 60 GeV when ADC is max scale (~4095 - ped):