


In MDC2, the GEANT step size in the FTPC acceptance was reduced, so that every passing particle left a series of geant hits in every padrow. This became a serious challenge for the FTPC software and, even after optimization, increased the calculation time significantly. To get high-statistics for strangeness studies in the TPC, the planned schedule was changed in favor of more TPC fast simulator runs. Therefore, only a small number of events was run through the FTPC chain in MDC2, both with and without the slow simulator.

The complete FTPC slow simulator chain was run in the ROOT chain macro (bfc.C):

  • St_fss_Maker --- The FTPC Slow Simulator
  • St_fcl_Maker --- The FTPC CLuster finder
    In runs when no raw_data from the FTPC slow simulator exists, St_fcl_Maker ran the FTPC fast simulator module


  • St_fpt_Maker --- ran the following FTPC modules:

    fpt - track finder

    fte - track evaluator

    fde - dE/dx calculator

The FTPC track, point and dE/dx information was written out to the dst by St_glb_Maker.

This page was written by Janet Seyboth on February 6, 1999