genevb's blog - Effect of wrongly initialized TPC padrow T0s for Run 14 - August 22., 2014
- Run 12 UU h-/h+ initial test sample for new alignment - September 22., 2014
- Possibilities on GridLeak saturation - September 26., 2014
- Preliminary SpaceCharge & GridLeak at low luminosity in Run 14 - October 15., 2014
- Run 12 UU h-/h+ vs. luminosity (old/new alignment) - October 28., 2014
- Tracking accounting for Sti materials update 2014-12-05 - December 5., 2014
- Calibration status update for Run 14 AuAu datasets - December 17., 2014
- GMT alignment: cosmic ray data - January 8., 2015
- Comparison of TPC SuperSector alignment parameters - January 21., 2015
- GMT in Run 15 cosmics: first look - January 28., 2015
- New TPC SpaceCharge and GridLeak database table - February 3., 2015
- RT 3062: DAQInfo DiskLoc delays - March 12., 2015
- TPC Drift Velocity history - March 25., 2015
- TPC spatial distortions effects on pT - March 27., 2015
- Run 15 drift velocity calibration efficiency - April 15., 2015
- Progress on MTD filtering - April 22., 2015
- Comparison of Run 15 pp200 and pAu200 beamlines - May 8., 2015
- VERTEX2015 Talk on tracking with HFT - May 27., 2015
- TPC Ion Backflow Study - June 9., 2015
- PrimaryVertexCuts: min and max z - September 22., 2015
- Offline QA: Run 15 stories - September 23., 2015
- MinuitVF issue in Run 14 AuAu200 - October 22., 2015
- Gating Grid Capture Region - December 16., 2015
- Production time difference with pile-up protection - January 11., 2016
- Quick look at effect of Run 15 OFCW short - February 3., 2016