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TOF: Investigating the West Sector 4 current spikes seen after Run 2009

Hi All,

Histogram Problem Progress


Spin PWG presentation on ZDC radial dependence

Run8pp zerobias charge asymmetry

 Using the gains files I created for Run 8 (which include more accurate readout status than the DB gain table, see Finding dead TPC regions), I processed zerobias pp data from day 55 (run

Beamline determination pp500 GeV W triggered events

Code is at:



Issue:  Converges for:

July 22 Clustering Algorithms

So, I finally got the clustering mechanisms to run with the tree.

Invariant Mass Histograms


absolute cross section notes 3

Angelika provided some rough luminosity figures for the fills containing the vernier scans:


DiJet Kinematic Studies

DiJet Kinematic Studies


Transverse run QA and tentative "good run" list

 Attached are a tentative good run list (derived from Adam Kocolski's) charged pion trees and a .pdf file explaining the criteria for cut runs.